A comedy-drama series, ‘Gentefied‘ is the story of three Mexican cousins who are growing up in America. The show centers around their lives and struggles, as they try to carve out better futures for themselves. They have joined forces in order to make sure that the taco shop owned by their grandfather still manages to stay in business.
The culture clash which they face within the community that they live in plays a rather important role in the series. A heartfelt comedy that talks about the immigrant experience in America, ‘Gentefied’ is a show loved by many. If you have enjoyed watching this series, here are similar other titles you might want to check out.
7. Dr. Ken (2015-2017)
This hilarious TV series centers around the life of its eponymous character, a Korean-American doctor played by the stand-up comedian Ken Jeong. Dr. Ken has a small family comprising of his wife and two sons. The eccentric situations he finds himself in, both in his personal and professional lives, are covered in this sitcom.
Although the series stars a stand-up comedian in the leading role, its humor never manages to make much of an impact upon the audience.
6. Master Of None (2015-2017)
Co-created by and starring Aziz Ansari, ‘Master Of None‘ centers around a 30-year-old Indian-American actor called Dev who lives in New York. The series covers the several challenges he constantly faces as he goes about dealing with friends, colleagues, and family.
We also get to understand how an Indian family tries to adjust to America and the many nuances of the immigrant experience in New York. ‘Master Of None’ boasts of some rather fine writing and many scenes in the film are directed as homages to the great masters of cinema like Federico Fellini and Vittorio De Sica.
5. Fresh Off The Boat (2015-)
‘Fresh Off The Boat‘ is the story of a Taiwanese family that moves from the Chinatown of Washington D.C. to Orlando, Florida. While they were with people belonging to their own culture in Chinatown, this new neighborhood is a place they are having a hard time fitting into.
The series follows this family as they slowly try to adjust to these changed surroundings while carving out a better life for themselves. The series is written with great nuance and discusses problems many immigrant families will be able to relate to.
4. Little America (2020-)
A rather interesting series by Apple TV+, ‘Little America‘ concentrates on the many interesting facets of people from different countries who have settled down in America. With each episode being a standalone story, ‘Little America’ has been able to cover different communities and the intricacies of their cultures. It must be said that this is a brilliant and fresh new approach that will surely open new doors for immigrant artists in Hollywood.
Read More: Shows Like Master of None
3. Brown Nation (2016-)
A hilarious comedy-drama series, ‘Brown Nation’ centers around the life of Hasmukh Parikh, an Indian living in New York along with his wife. Parikh is the owner of a small IT firm, but his business is not performing that well.
Moreover, his wife is rather difficult to please and keeps complaining about how her potential as an artist remains unfulfilled. Although there is a certain slapstick element to ‘Brown Nation’, it is a thoroughly enjoyable series.
2. One Day At A Time (2017-)
‘One Day At A Time‘ is based on a similarly-titled series that ran from 1975 to 1984. The central character of the series is a Cuban-American woman called Penelope, who lives with her children.
The several ups and downs of their lives are chronicled throughout the length of the series. The best aspect of this series is that it is not merely a rip-off of the original show but has its own unique appeal which has made it a darling of critics and fans alike.
1. On My Block (2018-)
This Netflix original TV series tells the story of four kids who live close by and also go to the same school together. While their neighborhood is quite rough, the only solace that they find is in the great friendship they share together.
‘On My Block‘ follows these kids as they navigate the several challenges that their adolescence years throw at them. The essence of teenage life in the South Central area of Los Angeles is brilliantly captured in this series.
Read More: Shows Like On My Block
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