Created by Stephen Carpenter and Jim Kouf & David Greenwalt, Grimm is a fantasy police procedural drama tv series. The show is about a Portland detective Nicholas Burkhardt who discovers he is a Grimm. As a Grimm, it is his responsibility to keep a balance between humanity and mythological creatures, known as Wesen. The show was a huge success when it first aired on NBC. Even though the show ended in 2017, it still has a massive fan following who love the deftness with which the show combines the police procedural elements with darker fantasy elements. If you are looking for TV shows like Grimm, we have some suggestions at hand. You can watch most of these shows similar to ‘Grimm’ on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
7. Lisey’s Story (2010)
Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larrain directed, with Stephen King creating the adaptation of ‘Lisey’s Story,’ one of the most enigmatic works by the author. In Stephen King’s works, horror often stems naturally from a muddied past. Similarly, the narrative of the psychological thriller miniseries follows Lisey Landon, the widowed wife of a celebrated author. While surviving the psychopathic stan of her husband, Lisey must go on a trip blending reality and fiction to remember the shared past with her husband. While starred by Hollywood A-listers, with Julianne Moore in the lead, the series also creates an uncanny misty ambiance in the quasi-magical world of Booya Moon. If you are craving more fantasy horror, this is a show that you should count on to fill your popcorn bucket.
6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-2021)
Dan Goor and Michael Schur teamed up to deliver ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ one of the most uproarious blends of police procedural and sitcom to have ever descended on television. In the early days of television, these two were the dominant genres, and by clubbing them together, the series ushers in a new era for television. The series follows the day-to-day proceedings of the eponymous fictional Brooklyn police squad, where officers Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago remain arch-enemies competing to solve cases. Commanding officer Ray Holt takes charge, and Jake and Amy’s hostility gives way to laughter and some romance.
5. Hellbound (2021)
While Yeon Sang-ho’s ‘Hellbound‘ did not reach the same height of rating as some other KDramas did on Netflix, it remains one of the most ambiguous Korean entries to the streaming platform. The narrative begins at a time when people’s faith in God is waning, and new cults are taking their places. At this juncture, three diabolical figures descend on the city, delivering condemnations to the supposed sinners. These “sinners” receive a notification about their day of reckoning on the phone, complete with a timer. While some shudder from fear, some monetize the crisis in the bleak landscape. If you have liked how uncertainty arises fear in ‘Grimm,’ this is the show for you.
4. People of Earth (2016-2017)
David Jenkins created the offbeat comedy sci-fi thriller series ‘People of Earth.’ The series follows Ozzie Graham, a city journo, as he travels to the small township of Beacon in New York to lift the veil on a mind-boggling mystery. He intends to write a report on the support group StarCrossed for “experiencers,” or people who have been subject to alien abduction. The people seem eccentric and even out of their minds, at first glance, to the skeptical eyes of Ozzie. But soon, he discovers that there may be some truth in the alien story. Following its release, the series garnered praise for its curious blend of genres and a witty screenplay. If you have liked the intimate ambiance of ‘Grimm,’ here is a series you should definitely like.
3. Dracula (2020)
There’s hardly any place on Earth foggier than the dense Transylvanian forests. Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, the same masterminds behind ‘Sherlock,’ adapted the classic Bram Stoker horror novel into a miniseries in the horror-thriller show ‘Dracula.’ The narrative, as some of you may know, follows Jonathan Harker, the ignorant London house owner. He falls into the trap of a castle laid by the vampiric Count. Later, he brings the whole city of London into peril. While the series does not always stick to the original story, it infuses a cerebral comic ambiance that goes well with the retro horror elements. If you have a thing for horror adaptations after ‘Grimm,’ this is a show that will not fail to entertain you.
2. Under The Dome (2013-2015)
Developed by Brian K. Vaughan and based on the eponymous Stephen King novel, ‘Under the Dome’ is arguably one of the best Stephen King TV adaptations. The series, after the book, tells the tale of the fictional small town Chester’s Mill and its clueless residents, as they get cut off from the entire world, thanks to an invisible dome that encapsulates them. While the ignorant populace shivers from fear, a niche group must also ask the important questions – “where did the dome come from?” or “when will it go away?”
1. Castle Rock (2018-2019)
Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason created the psychological horror drama television series ‘Castle Rock,’ basing the narrative on the eponymous Stephen King novel and his other works. In the fictional Maine township of Castle Rock, the grounded characters are pitted against invisible threats and otherworldly creatures. The infamous Maine fog creates mystery through light and darkness. If you have a penchant for adapted work with the themes of horror, this is one of the best adaptations you can see.
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