Based on the 2004 eponymous docuseries created by Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, ‘The Staircase’ is a true-crime drama series. Created by Antonio Campos, the show documents the experiences of a crime novelist named Michael Peterson, who is accused of murdering his wife, Kathleen. All fingers point to him as his wife is found dead at the bottom of a staircase in their home, leading to a 16-year judicial battle.
Apart from the fact that the storyline is based on actual events, what keeps the viewers invested in the series is the suspenseful narrative and the brilliant performances from cast members. The series features Colin Firth, Toni Collette, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Dane DeHaan. Do true-crime shows such as this interest you? In that case, you might enjoy watching shows we have listed. You can watch most of these series like ‘The Staircase’ on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu.
7. Worst Roommate Ever (2022)
‘Worst Roommate Ever’ is a true-crime docuseries that documents the cruel intentions of a number of roommates and the crimes they committed. This documentary show allows the viewers to get a glimpse of how the minds of criminals function, particularly those who tend to be opportunistic and indulge in all sorts of crimes, from frauds to murders. Like ‘The Staircase,’ the series highlights the crimes that take place in a co-living space. Moreover, both are based on true events, which means fans of the genre are likely to get hooked.
6. Interrogation (2020)
Created by Anders Weidemann and John Mankiewicz, ‘Interrogation‘ is inspired by Bruce Lisker’s conviction for murdering his mother. The narrative is based on the interrogation that is taken straight from the real case files, keeping the storyline as authentic as possible. Both ‘Interrogation’ and ‘The Staircase’ are based on true crimes that involve the murder of a family member. Moreover, the trials for both the cases spanned several years.
5. Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story (2020)
Created by Alexandra Cunningham, the second season of the true-crime series ‘Dirty John‘ is subtitled ‘The Betty Broderick Story.’ It is based on the 1989 case of a woman named Betty Broderick. The narrative documents how Betty was convicted of murdering not just her ex-husband Dan but also his new wife, Linda. What makes this spine-chilling show similar to ‘The Staircase’ is that both revolve around characters who are accused of killing their spouse or ex-spouse.
4. American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson (2016)
The first season of the crime anthology show ‘American Crime Story‘ is subtitled ‘The People v. O. J. Simpson.’ Developed by the duo of Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, the first installment of the series revolves around the real-life events that lead up to the O.J. Simpson criminal trial of the 90s. There are several similar aspects between this show and the Colin Firth and Toni Collette-starrer. A prominent element is the dramatization of intriguing real-life cases and the complicated judicial trial that ensues.
3. The Thing About Pam (2022)
‘The Thing About Pam‘ is a crime drama miniseries that chronicles the involvement of Pam Hupp in the murder case of Betsy Faria in 2011. Set in the small town of Missouri, the show follows the murder of Betsy and the wrongful conviction of her husband in relation to her mysterious death. However, several unanswered questions remain surrounding the case, which makes Pam Hupp the prime suspect in the murder. Much like ‘The Staircase,’ ‘The Thing About Pam’ is also based on a true crime case that sees the husband being accused of murdering his wife.
2. When They See Us (2019)
Created by Ava DuVernay, ‘When They See Us‘ is a crime drama based on the events of the 1989 Central Park jogger case. The narrative chronicles the lives of five Black and Latino males who are falsely accused of raping and assaulting a white woman in Central Park. This series might not have to do anything with the murder of a family member, but the intriguing plotline involves accusations thrown at the wrong people, much like ‘The Staircase.’
1. Unbelievable (2019)
‘Unbelievable‘ is a true-crime series based on the 2015 news article titled ‘An Unbelievable Story of Rape’ by T. Christian Miller and Ken Armstrong and their book ‘A False Report.’ The storyline is centered upon a teenager named Marie, who is charged with lying about being raped. However, the two detectives handling the case leave no stone unturned in their quest to reveal the truth.
Apart from being based on true events, what makes ‘Unbelievable’ similar to ‘The Staircase’ is the fact that both involve characters whose plea for innocence is ignored by the authorities. In addition, the suspense of finding the real culprit of the gruesome crimes is a central element in both the shows.
Read More: Where Was The Staircase Filmed?
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