Netflix’s ‘Love Village‘ is a Japanese dating show focused on various participants between the age of 35 and 60. The series has successfully kept the viewers engaged with its intriguing storylines and entertaining cast. One such participant who quickly turned heads despite her late entry in the show’s premier season is Tomochin. Her presence allowed some exciting events that many could not help but follow eagerly. Needless to say, people are eager to know what she is up to these days, and we are here to answer the same!
Tomochin’s Love Village Journey
As soon as Tomochin entered the show in its thirteenth episode, she became a point of interest for many, including Nakasan. The latter had been building a connection with Minane but found himself gravitating towards Tomochin. Meanwhile, Anchovy also started talking to her and concluded that she liked him, even though she had not stated anything on the topic.
Nakasan’s interest in Tomochin soon changed after he realized that the two might not be compatible when spending the rest of their lives together. Consequently, he shifted his romantic attentions towards Minane, though his friendship with Tomochin remained steady. Meanwhile, Anchovy finally realized that Yukiemon was not interested in him and decided to pursue Tomochin by making her a Tiramisu using the available ingredients.
While Tomochin enjoyed her delicious treat, Anchovy expressed interest in going on a date, which confused her, even though he thought the gesture touched her. Yet, based on her past observations, Tomochin had thought that Anchovy was interested in Yukiemon and did not think it was acceptable that he wanted to go on a date with her. Hence, when the time came for her to choose a partner for the Jenga game, she teamed up with Nakasan, making Anchovy realize she did not want to date him.
Where is Tomochin Now?
As of writing, Tomochin is seemingly still single and did not find a match during her time on the show. She continues working as a Body Shape Trainer, helping people achieve their desired fitness goals. When not working hard, Tomochin enjoys spending time with her loved ones. Additionally, she often promotes various brands and products via her social media. Tomochin is also a proud mother to a teenage boy she adores very much. Even though her original goal behind coming on the Netflix show was not achieved, we hope she soon finds her dream partner and has a beautiful life ahead.
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