‘Ava’ is an action thriller that follows the eponymous protagonist who’s a ruthless assassin working for a black ops organization, traveling the globe specializing in high profile hits. She needs to fight to survive after a job goes wrong. Directed by Tate Taylor (‘The Help,’ ‘The Girl on the Train’) and written by Matthew Newton, the movie stars Jessica Chastain (who also serves as the producer), Colin Farrell, John Malkovich, Geena Davis, Ioan Gruffudd, and Joan Chen in the lead roles. The story builds around the titular Ava Faulkner – a gifted student who goes astray following a DUI incident at college. She then subsequently joins the army to conquer her drug addiction and alcoholism.
After getting drafted into a hazily defined black ops organization, the cold-hearted, globe-trotting assassin encounters a tangle of personal and professional challenges and is forced to face her estranged, dysfunctional family when she returns home to Boston. Perpetually chasing after her targets without ever given a sense of what they have done to merit their fate eventually begins to gnaw at her conscience, which, in turn, leads her to break the protocol and be marked for death by her own organization. A massive chunk of the story centers around her evading the assassins sent to kill her. Here’s everything we know about where ‘Ava’ was filmed!
Ava Filming Locations
The movie production started on September 19, 2018, and wrapped up on October 30, 2018. As an assassin, Ava is constantly on the road. However, principal photography took place in Boston and Weston, Massachusetts, USA. The movie opens with Ava executing a hit and taking a flight back home. She gets in touch with her sister, which is where it is revealed that she ran away from her home after eight years. The hospital where Ava visits her mother is also situated in Boston.
Following a brutal gunfight in Riyadh, Ava escapes and travels to Barneville-Carteret to meet with her supervisor and mentor, Duke (John Malkovich). Later on, we also see Duke meeting with his supervisor Simon (Colin Farrell) in British Columbia, where he expresses his doubts about Ava’s loyalty to them. We see different geographical locations in dribs and drabs throughout the movie, but most of the production came about in actual locations in Boston.
Other prominent movies which chose Boston, Massachusetts as their filming location are ‘Knives Out,’ ‘Little Women,’ ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ‘The Departed,’ ‘The Next Karate Kid,’ ‘Shutter Island,’ ‘The Social Network,’ ‘Legally Blonde,’ and so forth. Likewise, movies filmed in Weston, Massachusetts are ‘Remedial Attraction,’ and several upcoming movies including ‘A Ring for Christmas’, and ‘Fuller’.
Read More: Best Jessica Chastain Movies
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