Directed by Steven Soderbergh, ‘Kimi’ is a gripping thriller movie that revolves around Angela, a Seattle-based tech employee with agoraphobia who witnesses a violent crime during a data stream review. When she tries reporting the same to her company superiors, they try to stop her by using bureaucratic power. Meanwhile, the city council passes a law that restricts the movement of people, resulting in chaotic mass protests in Seattle streets amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
To succeed in the quest for justice, Angela must face her biggest fear by stepping out of her apartment into the crowded streets and approaching the required authorities. Set against the backdrop of public protests and government policies in Seattle, the visual narrative of ‘Kimi’ is raw and fast-paced. In case you are wondering where this engaging Zoë Kravitz starrer was filmed, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!
Kimi Filming Locations
‘Kimi’ was filmed in California and Washington, specifically in the cities of Los Angeles and Seattle. Principal photography for the movie took place in April and May 2021. More than 1500 local Seattle actors were hired to play extras during the shooting of the film. Now, here is a closer look at the filming sites.
Los Angeles, California
Major scenes of ‘Kimi’ were filmed in and around Los Angeles, a sprawling metropolis in California. The cast and crew most likely filmed some portions at the Warner Brothers Studios, located at 3400 Warner Boulevard in Burbank, 12 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Also known as the City of Angels, Los Angeles is considered the center of the country’s film and TV industry. Apart from the first-rate production facilities, its perennially pleasant weather, ocean adjacent terrain surrounded by mountains, and stunning cityscape make it a highly sought-after filming destination.
Moreover, some of the biggest hi-tech international film studios and artists are based in the city. Los Angeles is a hub of ethnic diversity and culture and has a rapidly growing economy. Some of the iconic landmarks in the city include Venice Beach, Vincent Thomas Bridge, Angels Flight Railway, and Griffith Observatory. Several movies such as ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife,’ ‘Free Guy,’ and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ as well as the TV show ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine‘ were filmed in the city.
Seattle, Washington
The exterior scenes of ‘Kimi’ were filmed on location in Seattle, a seaport city on the West Coast. The production team filmed the protest scenes at Westlake Park, a public plaza in the downtown area, and on Pine Street, located between Fourth and Fifth Avenues. Surrounded by oceanic water, evergreen forests, and mountains, Seattle is a picturesque city with a thriving tech industry. It is the origin place of several iconic music artists and bands and hosts numerous film festivals annually.
Furthermore, Seattle houses the famous Space Needle, a 605 ft. tall spire with an observation deck and a rotating restaurant. Other tourist attractions include the Henry Art Gallery, Olympic Sculpture Park, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, and the Seattle Great Wheel. It has also served as a filming site for movies and shows such as ‘Malignant,’ ‘Into the Wild‘ and ‘Station 19.’
Read More: Most Underrated Thriller Movies
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