A sequel to the 2012 movie ‘Magic Mike‘ helmed by Steven Soderbergh, ‘Magic Mike XXL’ is a 2015 musical comedy-drama movie directed by Gregory Jacobs that follows the life of Mike Lane three years after he retired from stripping. However, he doesn’t only miss the excitement and power that the stage provided him with but also the friends he made along the way, especially his crew, the Kings of Tampa. With a stripper convention on the horizon, Mike’s crew reaches out to him and gives him an opportunity to do what he loves again.
Unable to resist the chance, Mike agrees to join the Kings of Tampa one last time, and they set off on a road trip to put together a mind-blowing performance. With Channing Tatum retaining his role along with Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez, and Juan Piedrahita, the dance movie features many different locations as the Kings of Tampa move from one place to another. Thus, it is natural for you to be curious about the actual filming sites of ‘Magic Mike XXL.’
Magic Mike XXL Filming Locations
‘Magic Mike XXL’ was filmed in Georgia and South Carolina, particularly in Savannah, Tybee Island, Jekyll Island, Darien, and Myrtle Beach. According to reports, the principal photography for the comedy movie commenced in late August 2014 and wrapped up in early November of the same year. Now, without further ado, let’s follow the Kings of Tampa and get a detailed account of all the specific sites they travel to!
Savannah, Georgia
Many pivotal sequences for ‘Magic Mike XXL’ were lensed in Savannah, the oldest city in Georgia and the county seat of Chatham County. The interior scenes of the Stripper Convention were shot in International Trade & Convention Center at 1 International Drive in Savannah. While 10 Whitaker Street stood in for downtown Tampa, the premises of Savannah Technical College at 5717 White Bluff Road were utilized to tape the hospital scene. Besides, for recording the Mad Mary’s Drag Club scene, the production team set up camp in Gentlemen’s Club at 325 East on Montgomery Cross Road in Savannah.
Other Locations in Georgia
Several significant portions of ‘Magic Mike XXL’ were also taped in other locations in Georgia, including Tybee Island. For instance, the scenes involving Mike’s beach rental house were recorded at the corner of Solomon and 2nd Avenue. In late September 2014, the cast and crew members were spotted lensing pool party and hotel room scenes in Dunes Inn & Suites at 1409 Butler Avenue in Tybee Island. Moreover, key sequences were shot in and around Jekyll Island Convention Center at 75 Beachview Drive North in Jekyll Island and Friendly Express #74 at 106 North Walton Street in Darien.
#NEWS – Magic Mike XXL is filming on Jekyll Island. #elizabethbanks
— Hunger Games Daily (@HGNewsChannel) October 27, 2014
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘Magic Mike XXL’ traveled to Myrtle Beach, a resort city in South Carolina’s Horry County. They set up camp at various sites in the city, including the Myrtle Beach Aviation located in the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, Plyler Park at 1000 North Ocean Boulevard, Myrtle Beach SkyWheel, 2nd Avenue Pier, Pier 14 Seafood Restaurant & Fishing Pier at 1306 North Ocean Boulevard, and the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk.
@olv Magic Mike XXL filming at Ocean Plaza Beach resort today. pic.twitter.com/u6jsrLpRNg
— Derek (@heyitsmederek) October 20, 2014
Furthermore, a few resorts and motels feature in various scenes in the movie. They possibly are Boardwalk Beach Resort at 2301 North Ocean Boulevard, Breakers Myrtle Beach Resort at 2104 North Ocean Boulevard, and Ocean Plaza Motel at 1005 South Ocean Boulevard.
Read More: Movies Like Magic Mike
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