The Ron Howard directorial, ‘The Dilemma,’ is a comedy-drama movie that revolves around the longtime friendship between a businessman named Ronny and an extraordinary engineer named Nick, who work together in an auto design firm. Lately, they have been working hard on a presentation for work to catapult their company to new heights. However, when Ronny catches Nick’s wife, Geneva, kissing a young man named Zip, he must find the courage and the right words to break the news to his best friend.
Things take a turn when during his investigation of the possible affair, Ronny discovers that Nick has some buried secrets as well. As the crucial presentation approaches, he contemplates what would happen if the latter finds the truth. Featuring hilarious performances from a talented ensemble comprising Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Winona Ryder, Channing Tatum, and Jennifer Connelly, the funny movie unfolds in numerous interesting locations, be it a hockey game, a garden, a bridge, and the best friends’ office, with Ronny wondering if he should let Nick know the truth about his wife or not. So, it is understandable why you might be interested in learning where ‘The Dilemma’ was filmed.
The Dilemma Filming Locations
‘The Dilemma’ was filmed in Illinois and Michigan, especially in the Chicago metropolitan area and Detroit. According to reports, the principal photography for the comedy movie commenced in late May 2010 under the working titles ‘Cheaters’ and ‘What You Don’t Know’ and wrapped up in mid-August of the same year. Now, without wasting any time, let us walk you through all the specific locations that feature in the comedy flick!
Chicago Metropolitan Area, Illinois
Almost all of ‘The Dilemma’ was lensed in the Chicago metropolitan area, also known as Chicagoland. While the building at 1129 West Ardmore Avenue in Chicago stood in for Nick and Ronny’s office, the property at 2000 Naperville Wheaton Road in the city of Naperville doubled for the headquarters of Dodge Automotive. Talking of the residences of different characters, the exterior of Ronnie’s loft apartment was taped at 226 West Superior Street, that of Diane Popovich was at 2511 North Bernard Street, and 1474 West Huron Street is where Zip’s house scenes were shot.
In the Garfield Park Conservatory at 300 North Central Park Avenue in Chicago, Ronny finds Geneva sneakily meeting with Zip for the first time. As far as the Blackhawk hockey scenes are concerned, they were filmed in the Hockey Arena of United Center at 1901 West Madison Street near West Side, Chicago. Ronny confronts Geneva by meeting her in Golden House Restaurant & Pancake House at 4744 North Broadway in Chicago. Ronny’s attempt to investigate Nick takes him to 1124 West Argyle Street, where he spies on Nick at Chi Thao Massage and Spa.
The iconic Kinzie Street Bridge at 450 West Kinzie Street in Chicago also features in the movie, especially during the scene where Ronny talks to himself, trying to find the right words to let Nick know about Geneva’s affair. Several interior scenes were also lensed in Green Mill at 4802 North Broadway Avenue in the Uptown neighborhood, Smith & Wollensky at 318 North State Street, and Marie’s Golden Cue at 3241 West Montrose Avenue, all in Chicago.
On the other hand, some exterior shots were lensed around 2260 South Grove Street, Lake Shore Drive, North Milwaukee Avenue, where it meets West Fulton Street and North Clinton Street, and the northeast corner of Broadway and West Leland Avenue. There are a few other locations across the metropolitan area that make an appearance in the comedy-drama movie. They are The Loop, Wicker Park, Ukrainian Village, Logan Square, Pilsen, and Marina City.
Detroit, Michigan
As per reports, the production team of ‘The Dilemma’ also traveled to Detroit to tape some additional portions for the movie. The scenes involving the General Motors Renaissance Center were recorded on location in Motor City. Besides the Vince Vaughn starrer, Detroit’s locales have been featured in several other film projects, including ‘Up in the Air,’ ‘Out of Sight,’ ‘Only Lovers Left Alive,’ and ‘LOL.’
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