‘Sweet Girl’ is an action thriller film that revolves around the Cooper family. After Ray (Jason Momoa) loses his wife to cancer, he embarks on a path of vengeance, believing that the pharmaceutical company known as BioPrime is responsible. However, his actions draw a swift response, putting his and his daughter’s lives in jeopardy. If you have watched the film and loved it and want to watch similar movies, we have the perfect list of recommendations for you. You can watch most of these movies similar to ‘Sweet Girl’ on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu.
6. Unsane (2018)
Filmed entirely on iPhone 7 Plus, ‘Unsane’ is an experimental psychological thriller film by director Steven Soderbergh. It revolves around Sawyer (Claire Foy), a young woman who struggles to deal with her mental health issues, many of which stem from her experience with her stalker David (Joshua Leonard). She ends up admitting herself to a facility called the Highland Creek Behavioral Center and soon realizes that the facility executives are running a sophisticated insurance scam on their patients. Her situation worsens when she discovers that David has followed her to the facility and is working there as one of the orderlies. ‘Like ‘Sweet Girl,’ ‘Unsane’ criticizes the American healthcare system by showing how predatory it has become.
5. Love and Other Drugs (2010)
Directed by Edward Zwick, ‘Love and Other Drugs’ is a romantic comedy-drama film. Jake Gyllenhaal portrays a pharmaceutical sales representative named Jamie Randall, who begins a casual relationship with Anne Hathaway’s Maggie Murdock, a woman showing early signs of Parkinson’s disease. As the film progresses and their feelings become genuine, Jamie and Maggie must make certain decisions that will have long-term effects on their lives one way or the other. Like ‘Sweet Girl,’ ‘Love and Other Drugs’ revolves around big pharma and the healthcare system. Furthermore, both films are predominantly set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
4. The Rainmaker (1997)
Francis Ford Coppola’s legal drama ‘The Rainmaker’ is the cinematic adaptation of the 1995 namesake novel by John Grisham. It follows a young lawyer named Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon) and his partner Deck Shifflet (Danny DeVito). They take on an insurance company named Great Benefit on behalf of their clients Dot and Buddy Black and their terminally ill son, Donny Ray. Both ‘Sweet Girl’ and ‘The Rainmaker’ are faithful observations about how corporate greed triumphs over compassion and service in the modern healthcare system.
3. John Q (2002)
Director Nick Cassavetes’ ‘John Q’ tells the story of a desperate father, John Quincy Archibald (Denzel Washington), who holds several doctors, hospital staff members, and patients hostage at the ER to force the hospital to put his son’s name on the heart transplant recipient list. Like Rachel in ‘Sweet Girl,’ the eponymous character in ‘John Q’ launches an armed struggled against an uncaring system. Both films are inherently optimistic and emotionally charged. However, at the same time, the films don’t shy away from questioning the morality of the actions of their respective lead characters.
2. Side Effects (2013)
‘Side Effects’ is yet another film in which Steven Soderbergh deals with themes like big pharma and psychology. Dr. Jonathan Banks (Jude Law) vouches for his patient Emily Taylor (Rooney Mara) in court after she kills her husband Martin (Channing Tatum). However, he soon discovers that the entire thing was a carefully orchestrated plan that Emily concocted with the help of her previous psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Siebert (Catherine Zeta-Jones). Like ‘Sweet Girl,’ ‘Side Effects’ portrays a very bleak picture of the healthcare system.
1. The Constant Gardener (2005)
Starring Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz, ‘The Constant Gardener’ demonstrates how greed can be all-consuming. A pharmaceutical company named Three Bees creates a tuberculosis drug called “Dypraxa” and tests it on the local population in Kenya. After many people who took the drug die, the company decides to suppress the information. Like ‘Sweet Girl,’ ‘The Constant Gardener’ depicts how political corruption and malpractices of big pharma share an almost symbiotic relationship.
Read More: Where Was Sweet Girl Filmed?
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