‘Yellowstone‘ on Paramount Network is a Western drama that revolves around a diverse ensemble of characters and the complex issues they face as ranchers. One of the fan-favorite characters on the show is Jefferson White’s Jimmy Hurdstrom, a ranch hand who starts from the bottom and earns the respect of those around him. However, Jimmy and his girlfriend, Emily, are missing most of the fifth season’s episodes. Therefore, when the characters are reintroduced in the eighth episode, viewers must be wondering whether there is a change in their status quo. If you wish to find out whether Jimmy and Emily are married in ‘Yellowstone,’ here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
What Happens Between Jimmy and Emily?
Jimmy Hurdstrom (Jefferson White) is a ranch hand who joins the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in the first season. In the fourth season, Jimmy moves to the Four Sixes Ranches in Texas after breaking his promise to John Dutton. Following his supposed break up with Mia, the amateur bronc rider starts his journey to become a cowboy at the 6666 Ranch. In Texas, Jimmy meets Emily (Kathryn Kelly), a veterinarian who works at the ranch. Jimmy and Emily are quickly attracted to each other, and Emily asks Jimmy for a date. Jimmy is initially hesitant because of the uncertainty over his relationship with Mia, but he agrees to the dinner. Soon, Jimmy and Emily start a romantic relationship.
In the season 4 finale, titled ‘Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops,’ Jimmy gets an opportunity to return to the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in Bozeman, Montana. Jimmy asks Emily to join him on the trip, and the newly-minted couple meets the likes of Rip, Lloyd, Walker, etc., at the ranch. However, Emily’s arrival rubs the wrong way on Mia, and the women brawl. Eventually, Jimmy ends things with Mia for good and continues his relationship with Emily. Jimmy and Emily return to Texas, and Jimmy proposes to Emily on the way back. The fourth season ends with Jimmy and Emily engaged to one another.
Exploring Jimmy and Emily’s Relationship
Jimmy and Emily do not appear in the early episodes of the fifth season. The characters live in Texas, while most of the early episodes occur in Montana. However, given there is a considerable time jump between the fourth and fifth seasons, viewers must be wondering if Jimmy and Emily’s relationship has progressed beyond their engagement. Jimmy and Emily first appear in the fifth season during the eighth episode, titled ‘A Knife and No Coin.’ In the episode, we see Jimmy waking up for work and saying goodbye to Emily. However, they have sex, making Jimmy late for breakfast. In the evening, Jimmy and Emily finish their jobs and chores and spend some time together.
These scenes give viewers an idea of Jimmy and Emily’s routine and the state of their relationship. Based on the introductory scenes, it is safe to say that Jimmy and Emily’s relationship is healthy. The couple is living together, and both appear to be deeply in love with each other. Moreover, there is a good amount of communication between them. Likewise, Jimmy and Emily bicker over some trivial stuff, making them akin to a married couple. However, neither Jimmy nor Emily refer to each other as husband and wife. Since Jimmy is a fan-favorite character, his wedding would be a major moment for the characters and the fans. Therefore, it is unlikely that Jimmy and Emily’s wedding took place off-camera. As a result, it is likely that the two are yet to tie the knot. However, a wedding could be in the cards in the future.
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