The Ultimatum Season 2: Where Are The Couples Now? Who Are Still Together?

With Netflix’s ‘The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On’ living up to its title in every way imaginable, we get a reality dating series that challenges the core idea of romantic relationships at each turn. This is because it revolves around a few complex couples as they attempt to navigate the crossroads they’ve arrived at while seeking stability, all in the hopes of still having a future together. So now that even season 2 of this utterly intriguing original production has made its way to our screens in full, let’s find out precisely where its leading cast members stand these days, shall we?

Lisa and Brian Are Happily Together Now

Although Lisa and Brian’s journey in the show lasted merely 2¼ episodes, they definitely left a lasting impression with their blown-out arguments as well as an unexpected pregnancy announcement. It thus comes as no surprise the latter himself (aka ultimatum receiver) quickly expressed, “I’m very surprised… But I’m super happy… I’m going to be a dad; that’s crazy. This changes a lot, but I don’t think it changes how I think about marriage right now.” The couple hence withdrew from this experiment for good to navigate their own new chapter of care, complication, and love.

Since then, according to their own accounts during the reunion special, Lisa and Brian have happily welcomed a baby boy into this world while sticking together in every sense of the term. They admittedly still have their fair share of issues, yet they’re actively working on resolving them so as to not only be the best possible parents for Mason but also be really good to one another. As for their official status, the Business Executive/Philanthropist and the Spiral World marketing agency founder actually plan to be a forever thing, but there’s no engagement in their cards as of writing owing to timing issues.

Riah and Trey Are Still Together

When 24-year-old Riah and 28-year-old Trey first stepped into this experiment back in 2022, they were not on the same page on any significant matter concerning their 2-year love connection. Whether it be their starting a family upon tying the knot, continuing to live together in a relatively small town, or ways of expressing affinity for each other, nothing between them matched up. Moreover, it initially came across as if the former wasn’t even really in love with her partner, which wasn’t the case — most of this duo’s problems were admittedly related to the latter defending herself from possible future hurt, and they were able to talk out a lot of the others.

The truth is Riah and Trey aren’t magically in a perfect place today, yet they are trying to get there through open communication with an open mind in order to ensure they’re both being heard. And honestly, they’ve made a lot of progress — they admit they can now have difficult conversations without one of them just losing their cool or simply getting up to walk away. Therefore, of course, the Charleston, South Carolina-based Managing Server and Mechanical Engineer are still blissfully engaged, with plans to tie the knot during a destination wedding in Spring 2025.

Ryann and James Are Still Going Strong Today

If there’s one thing absolutely nobody can deny, it’s that high school sweethearts Ryann and James surprisingly had one of the biggest disconnects when they walked into ‘The Ultimatum.’ The latter wasn’t giving all of himself to his girlfriend of seven years, let alone prioritizing her in the way she needed, driving her to finally take a stand and make it clear it’s now or never. Thankfully, he was gradually able to trust himself, her, and their bond to such an extent he realized that even though he was not in the perfect position, they were ready to take the next step.

James thus got down on one knee for Ryann not once but twice — the first was during the finale, whereas the second was on a mountain while they were on a romantic vacation a short time later. In fact, this Research Assistant has since moved in with the Radiologic Technologist and her family as they search for their forever home together, all the while planning for their upcoming nuptials. We say upcoming because they’re actually getting married on September 30, 2023, precisely a month from the date of writing this piece.

Roxanne and Antonio Are Still Engaged

It was nearly nine years ago when Antonio first came across Roxanne and four until they began dating upon reconnecting through social media, but the former almost always knew he loved her. However, he could never really convince her to take the next step since she believed it would interfere with her career as an entrepreneur; plus, she wanted a fellow provider as a life partner. Hence came his ultimatum, at the end of which she did emotionally say yes to his proposal despite not having changed her mind on most of their significant differences because she loves him.

But alas, per Roxanne and Antonio’s own narratives in the reunion special, she took off his ring a day later as it wasn’t the right size, and the physical as well as emotional weight felt weird to her. He did get it resized before also getting her a couple of pairing rings too, yet she hasn’t ever worn any of them even though she insists they are, in fact, still engaged and will marry likely someday. On the other hand, we do need to mention that Antonio has since established a business to be the kind of man his partner wants, so it seems like this couple is still gradually working things through.

Kat and Alex Are Looking Forward to Their Wedding

Last but definitely not least, we have the couple whose primary trouble seemed to be not their actual overall compatibility but rather the unfounded belief of their non-compatibility, Kat and Alex. The former was admittedly all in despite them having been together for only a year and a half at the start of filming, yet the latter felt as if he needed someone who’d challenge him a bit more.


Fortunately, though, through his trial marriage with Roxanne, Alex soon realized his original partner was his ideal love — Kat did challenge him, she just did it in a quiet manner. Therefore, yes, these North Carolina natives are still joyously engaged; in fact, they plan to tie the knot on May 10, 2024, and they’re already looking forward to building their forever home. Plus, according to this couple’s account in the reunion special, the former recently became an uncle, and it has sparked him to have almost an uncontrollable baby fever too.

Read More: The Ultimatum: Queer Love: Where Are They Now? Who Are Still Together?