‘Titletown High‘ is an eight-part Netflix original reality documentary series that follows one of the most well-known high school football teams in the United States of America — the Valdosta Wildcats. Set right in the town of Valdosta, Georgia — often called “TitleTown” owing to its sports legacy — it revolves around the lives of the athletes, their close friends, and the head coach both on and off the field. With this, there is a combination of sports and drama introduced to us, which keeps us invested in their experiences. So now, let’s find out where the cast is today, shall we?
Coach Rush Propst
Tonight is better than last night. pic.twitter.com/Ya2m1pFb7d
— Coach Rush Propst (@PropstRush) November 14, 2020
Following the audiotape leak of the discussion between Head Coach Rush Propst and then-president of Valdosta Touchdown Club, Nub Nelson, wherein the educator spoke about “funny money” and other ethical infractions, he was placed on paid administrative leave. In April 2021, the school board then chose not to renew his contract, essentially firing him on the spot. Though nothing appears to be certain as there are talks of revisiting this decision, and even he still claims to hold his position on social media. The one thing we do know, however, is that Coach Rush is not retiring.
Jake Garcia
After being deemed ineligible by the GHSA due to issues surrounding his move from California, Jake Garcia ended his stint for the Wildcats with only one match under his belt and transferred to Loganville. At Grayson High School, he immediately became the starting quarterback and even helped them earn the 7A Georgia State Championship title. Instead of the University of Southern California (USC), though, the star athlete is now at the University of Miami, proudly playing for the Hurricanes. He had de-committed from the former in December 2020 after considering what was best for him.
Amari Jones
Amari Jones took every opportunity that came his way in the fall football season of 2020 and shone through with his leadership and playing skills in the end. Unfortunately, owing to his apparent involvement in the controversy with Coach Rush Propst, he was also ruled ineligible by the GHSA in spring 2021. Thus, he was banned from participating in any games in the state for an entire cycle, which would mean a no-playing senior year if he elected to stick around. Amari didn’t want that, so he’s now at Bradford High School in Starke, Florida, as a part of the Tornadoes. As of writing, he’s set to graduate in 2022 and already has around 14 scholarship offers.
Grayson Leavy
Born and brought up in Valdosta, Grayson Leavy always dreamt of being a Wildcat, which ultimately came true during his sophomore year. He played as a defensive line and proved that he’s not only determined and willing to improve but also has a natural talent that just needs to be honed. In other words, Grayson seems to have a glittering future ahead of him if he keeps his focus. Apart from football, which is his #1 priority, he also participates in soccer and wrestling and is set to graduate in 2023, meaning that he is currently a junior.
Jacarrius Peak
Offensive Line Jaccarius Peak is someone who stayed consistent throughout the 2020 Wildcats season and demonstrated why he deserved his spot on the team over and over again. From supporting his teammates to delivering the necessary plays, he did it all. And now, as a senior at Valdosta High School – set to graduate in 2022 – he’s taken up the mantle and is ready to play despite the fact the program can not compete in the playoffs this year due to the controversy mentioned above. Apart from football, Jacarrius is also an active basketball player.
Morgan Miller
Morgan Miller had quite an essential role in the series as Amari Jones’ love interest and one of Jaccarius’ oldest and closest friends. Her humor, passion, and strong-mindedness came across in everything she did, yet so did her mood swings, but that’s what made her a fan favorite. However, Morgan is so much more than just that. As a senior at Valdosta High, she’s a cheerleader with a long history in gymnastics. Morgan loves her town, school, and sports, and she’ll continue to back them no matter her personal feelings towards a particular individual, which she made abundantly clear on the program.
Lenley Scott-Gross
Lenley Scott-Gross had a tumultuous period on ‘Titletown High’ due to her relationship with Grayson Leavy and his involvement with his longtime best friend, Zoey Watson. Eventually, though, the 16-year-old broke up with him after understanding that she was holding on because of her past experiences and would be better off without him. Her anxiety decreased following their split, and it seems as if she has now found a new partner, wrestling athlete Hunter Price. Therefore, the high school junior honestly is better and happier than ever before.
Zoey Watson
Zoey Watson and Grayson Leavy had first met back in elementary school before starting to hang out during their middle school years. They also dated for a while, broke up due to some issues, and ultimately decided to stay close friends. With that said, the one obvious thing was that they both cared more about one another than anyone else, so their confession of having mutual crushes wasn’t all that surprising. And today, they’re still as close as ever — hanging out at concerts, being each other’s dates at dances, and simply enjoying their time together as juniors. Zoey is also set to graduate in 2023.
Read More: Is Titletown High Real or Scripted?