Apple TV+’s ‘Truth Be Told‘ is a mystery drama series that follows Poppy Scoville (Octavia Spencer), a journalist turned true-crime podcaster. The third season follows Poppy and her allies investigating a sex trafficking ring operating in Oakland, California. However, the case becomes complicated after the death of Andrew Finney, who is suspected to be at the center of the ring. In the penultimate episode, titled ‘Only Little Secrets,’ Poppy suspects Eva of murdering Finney. However, when the truth comes out, it shocks everyone and jeopardizes the life of one of Poppy’s allies. If you are looking for details about the ending of ‘Truth Be Told’ season 3 episode 9, here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Truth Be Told Season 3 Episode 9 Recap
The ninth episode, titled ‘Only Little Secrets,’ opens with Eva reliving her conversation with Andrew Finney shortly before he was killed. Poppy suspects Eva and talks about secrets on her podcast. She exposes Finney’s past as a sex trafficker and theorizes he was killed after he tried to discuss his experiences. Poppy ends the podcast pondering about the other secrets Finney took with him to the grave. Meanwhile, Markus continues drinking and thinks about his attempt to kiss Poppy. Trini returns to school and receives encouragement from Zarina. However, Markus reminds her of the rules she must follow.
Poppy meets Aames and Markus at her house and sees a news broadcast about Finney’s death. She expresses her suspicion that Eva might have something to do with Finney’s death. Poppy reveals that Finney trafficked Eva as a teenager, giving her the motive to murder Finney. Aames supports Poppy’s theory as he found security footage confirming that Eva was the last person to see Finney alive. However, Markus believes that Bill Ochoa might be the killer. Aames advises Poppy to stay from Eva while he tries to find further evidence.
At the OPD, the Police Captain releases an arrest warrant for Trini’s assaulter, Bill Ochoa, and Aames demands he is assigned to interrogate Ochoa. The Captain also gives a lead in the form of Nico Zebka, the man who sold the car used to murder Finney. Poppy goes to Eva’s office and snoops through her belongings to find proof of her guilt. Meanwhile, Aames demands answers from Ochoa, but his lawyer presents a solid defense. As a result, Aames asks Markus to convince Trini to testify against Ochoa in court.
Elsewhere, Poppy and Eva go through the videos they found from Ochoa and find a sex tape of Finney that was likely being used to blackmail him. Eva identifies the woman who filmed the video as her former friend, Nadia. However, when Poppy and Eva discuss a course of action, they get into an argument. Later Poppy meets Sherve and decides to tell the truth about her mother’s relationship with her biological father, Alexander Troy, to her sisters. Markus and Aames speak to Zebka and press him for answers. Through Zebka’s phone, they discover a special anonymous, one-way messaging feature on Questuer used to secure the car.
Markus and Zarina explain the case against Ochoa, and she agrees to testify against him in court. Aames and Markus find an eyewitness who saw the car used to kill Finney. The man reveals that a black woman was driving the car. However, he rules out Eva, Melanie, and Trini as the driver. Later, Markus tells Poppy about the secret feature in Questuer. Meanwhile, a sketch made with the witness’ help allows Aames to identify the woman driving the car that killed Finney as Rochelle, one of Trey’s girls. However, he is unable to track her down.
Truth Be Told Season 3 Episode 9 Ending: Who Is Running the Trafficking Ring? Who Shot Eva?
The episode’s final act deals with several plot threads, including Trini struggling with her decision to testify. However, Eva provides her with moral support and encourages her to testify. On the other hand, Eva confronts her past by meeting Nadia and apologizing for pulling her friend into a dangerous life. However, Poppy and Eva’s interaction with Nadia and Aames’ discovery of Finney’s killer makes Poppy suspect that someone at Questeur is responsible for running the sex trafficking ring.
Later, Poppy deduces that Lee Hackman might be the mastermind of the sex trafficking ring. Lee is the CEO of Questeur and holds power to create and implement a secret feature similar to the one used to arrange Finney’s death. Moreover, Lee conveniently gave Poppy data that deflected suspicion on Bill Ochoa. However, when Poppy confronts Lee at his office, he denies any knowledge of the feature and involvement in Finney’s death. As a result, it seems like Lee is a red-herring, and his wife, Sybil, who appears sparingly little in the third season, could be the actual mastermind behind the sex trafficking ring.
However, the episode’s final moments shift the scene to the court, where Trini and others gather before the former’s testimony. Eva also arrives to support Trini as she promised the teenager. However, when Markus and Poppy momentarily step away, a mysterious masked assailant emerges and tries to shoot Trini. However, Eva intervenes and pushes Trini aside, getting shot in the process. Although Markus and Poppy gather to get Eva medical help, it is unlikely that she will survive. Moreover, the person who orchestrated the shooting is clearly afraid of Trini testifying against Ochoa. Hence, it seems like Ochoa could be behind the attack originally intended to kill Trini. \
Read More: Truth Be Told Season 3 Episode 8 Recap and Ending, Explained
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