Directed by Brian Skiba, Lifetime’s ‘Secret Society of Lies’ (originally titled ‘The Student’) is a thriller movie that follows Chrissy, a brilliant young student who gets attacked at a party on her college campus. Despite struggling with anxiety, she figures she must stand up to her attacker and expose him. However, Chrissy realizes he is part of a secret fraternity with ties with high-raking and influential people who are ready to go to lengths to keep her shut. While she attempts to seek justice and expose the fraternity, she falls in love with Nathan Martel, the son of the College Dean.
Surprisingly, things don’t turn out as Chrissy expected, and she falls into hot waters. Featuring stellar performances from the talented cast members and a thrilling narrative, the Lifetime movie keeps the audience entertained till the end. Besides, the grim backdrop makes one wonder where ‘Secret Society of Lies’ was shot. If you are paddling the same boat of curiosity, you might be interested in what we have to share!
Secret Society of Lies: Where Was it Filmed?
‘Secret Society of Lies’ was seemingly filmed in California, mainly in the Los Angeles and Venture counties. As per reports, the principal photography commenced in December 2021 and was wrapped up within the same month, on December 28, 2021. The Golden State is well known for its dynamic culture and active way of life, which add to the holiday and festive feel of the holiday movie. The region stretches from the Mexican border along the Pacific Coast and has diverse terrains ideal for shooting movies and TV shows. Now, let’s explore the specific places that appear in the Lifetime thriller.
Los Angeles County, California
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Secret Society of Lies’ were lensed around Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the US. The cast and crew set up camp in the city of Los Angeles to tape numerous indoor and outdoor scenes against appropriate backgrounds. Additionally, it’s plausible that a film studio’s backlot was used for shooting purposes. Located in Southern California, Los Angeles County is regarded as one of the most ethnically diverse regions in the country.
Given its scenic landscape comprising lakes, beaches, cities, and hills, the region is frequently visited by tourists and filmmakers. Moreover, Los Angeles County has hosted the production of numerous movies and TV shows over the years. Apart from ‘Secret Society of Lies,’ its locales feature in ‘Die Hard,’ ‘Don’t Worry Darling,’ ‘Emily the Criminal,’ and ‘The Patient.’
Ventura County, California
Additional scenes of the thriller movie were shot in Ventura County in Southern California. It is renowned for its bustling cultural scene, National Blue Ribbon Schools, California Distinguished Schools, and involved residents who actively contribute to community improvement. Other popular productions shot in Ventura County include, ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,’ ‘That ’70s Show,’ ‘The Little Things,’ ‘Little Miss Sunshine,’ and others.
Secret Society of Lies Cast
Kristen Vaganos plays Chrissy in the Lifetime movie. The actress might seem like a familiar face as she has played prominent roles in ‘Murder & Matrimony,’ ‘The Christmas Dance,’ and ‘My Sweet Holiday.’ On the other hand, Luke Charles Stafford essays Nathan. You might recognize Luke from his performances in ‘The Iron Ones,’ ‘East of Middle West,’ and ‘Megalodon Rising.’
Other cast members include Azizi Donnelly (Sarah), Justin Berti (Dean Martel), Kate Schettler (Nora), Keishawn Pinkston (Edwin), Ian S. Peterson (Ryan), and Nicole Andrews (Ellen). Furthermore, Joseph Nasser (Detective Andrews), Martin Sissac (Detective Martin), James T. Butts (Officer Lyons), Tryphena Wade (Nurse Bonny), Christina Sturgeon (Alison), and Julia Yudina (Ms. Gonzales) appear in pivotal roles in ‘Secret Society of Lies.’
Read More: Where Was Lifetime’s Spinning Out of Control Filmed? Who is in the Cast?
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