Based on Grant Ginder’s 2016 eponymous novel, Amazon Prime’s ‘The People We Hate at the Wedding’ is a comedy movie directed by Claire Scanlon that revolves around two siblings. Alice and Paul reluctantly attend the wedding of their wealthy yet estranged half-sister Eloise, along with their mother, Donna. On her flight to the countryside, Alice meets with an over-friendly Dennis Bottoms and becomes friends with him. During the wedding week, the estranged family members reunite and try to reconnect with each other on such a celebratory occasion.
However, several hidden skeletons come from the family’s closet, motivating each member to move forward with their respective lives. The themes of a dysfunctional family in a comedic way and a wedding many want to avoid might resonate with several viewers. At the same time, the backdrop of a countryside wedding makes one wonder where the family comedy was shot. If you are one such curious soul, we have you covered!
The People We Hate at the Wedding Filming Locations
‘The People We Hate at the Wedding’ was filmed entirely in England, specifically in London. As per reports, the principal photography for the Kristen Bell-starrer commenced in September 2021 and wrapped up in November of the same year. Thanks to England’s diverse landscapes, including several countryside regions, it is a suitable production location for projects set in the countryside. So, let us take you through all the specific sites that appear in the Amazon Prime movie!
London, England
All the pivotal sequences for ‘The People We Hate at the Wedding’ were lensed in and around London, the capital and largest city of England, as well as the United Kingdom. From the looks of it, the cast and crew seemingly traveled around the city to shoot different scenes against suitable backdrops. For recording the countryside wedding portions, they set up camp in an actual countryside location, possibly on the outskirts of London.
Located on the River Thames in southeast England, London significantly influences art, fashion, entertainment, media, healthcare, finance, tourism, and commerce. Moreover, it is home to four World Heritage Sites and several other important landmarks, such as the Tower of London, Kew Gardens, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, the British Museum, and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Over the years, Big Smoke has hosted the production of many movies and TV shows, such as ‘Enola Holmes 2,’ ‘See How They Run,’ ‘The Peripheral,’ and ‘The Crown.’
Read More: Who is the Narrator in The People We Hate at the Wedding?