‘Outer Range‘ follows the Abbott family as they fight to protect their land from their neighbor, Wayne Tillerson. The feud between the two families is further extended after Perry Abbott causes the death of Wayne’s son, Trevor Tillerson. Trevor’s siblings, Billy (Noah Reid) and Luke (Shaun Sipos), spend most of the first season uncovering the truth about their brother’s mysterious death. However, they learn some of the secrets about the Abbott family’s land.
The season 1 finale of the show leaves the fates of Billy and Luke up in the air. Therefore, viewers must be curious to determine whether the Tillerson siblings survive ‘Outer Range’ season 1. If you wish to find out more about the fates of Billy and Luke in ‘Outer Range’ and how it will affect Noah Reid and Shaun Sipos’ future on the show, here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Are Billy and Luke Dead?
Luke and Billy Tillerson are introduced in the series premiere episode of ‘Outer Range’ titled ‘The Void.’ They have an elder brother named Trevor Tillerson. They are the sons of Wayne Tillerson. Luke is the middle child, while Billy is the youngest of the lot. After Trevor’s death, Billy and Luke search for their brother, eventually leading to their discovery of the black void. By the first season finale, Billy works with Autumn to take down Royal Abbott and seize his land.
On the other hand, Luke learns of the mineral underneath the Abbott family’s land. Billy and Autumn ambush Royal, leading to a shootout between them and the Abbott patriarch. A bullet hits Billy in the throat during the shootout, instantly killing him. On the other hand, Luke unearths the mineral but is stamped on by the bison herd that emerges from the black void he opens. Ultimately, Luke’s fate is left unresolved. However, given that Autumn survives a similar situation, Luke is likely still alive. Meanwhile, Billy is certainly dead, but an alternate timeline version of him could be brought into the narrative through the black void’s time-traveling powers.
Are Noah Reid and Shaun Sipos Leaving Outer Range?
In ‘Outer Range,’ actor Shaun Sipos essays the role of Luke Tillerson. Viewers might recognize the actor as Aaron Whitmore from ‘The Vampire Diaries’ and Adam Strange from ‘Krypton.’ The series also stars Noah Reid as Billy Tillerson. Reid is arguably best known for his performance as Patrick Brewer in ‘Schitt’s Creek.’ Sipos and Reid are billed as series regulars for ‘Outer Range’ season 1. Therefore, the death of Reid’s Billy in the season finale is shocking. Nonetheless, the actor still has a chance to return to the show through time travel.
On the other hand, the fate of Sipos’ Luke is much more mysterious. However, given that the Tillerson patriarch is bedridden and two of his sons are dead, it is unlikely that the writers will kill Luke and wipe out the show’s primary antagonist. Moreover, the deaths of his brothers and the hunt for the mineral will likely motivate Luke to go after the Abbotts in a potential season 2. Therefore, it is unlikely that Sipos is exiting the series. ‘Outer Range’ is yet to be renewed for a second season. Thus, Reid and Sipos’ futures will depend on the show’s renewal.
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