In Paramount+ with Showtime’s crime drama series ‘Dexter: Original Sin,’ Debra Morgan attends Bayfront High School with her best friend, Sofia Rivera. She also serves as the captain of the institution’s basketball team, even though she is not well-liked by all of her teammates and peers. After the death of her mother, Doris Morgan, she navigates her life through the schooling period without the support of her father, Harry Morgan, who is immersed in case after case to look after her adequately. Since a major portion of Debra’s storyline takes place in Bayfront, it becomes an integral landmark in the ‘Dexter’ universe!
Bayfront High School is a Fictional Institution
Bayfront High School does not have an exact real-life counterpart. Even though there is an educational institution named Bayfront Charter High School, specifically in Chula Vista, California, it is not in any way connected to the one in the crime drama series. The scenes set in the fictional establishment were not even shot in Miami, where it is located in the show. Instead, they were filmed in Van Nuys High School, a public high school in Los Angeles. Located at 6535 Cedros Avenue in the district of Van Nuys, the institution was established in 1914, making it one of the foremost high schools to operate in the San Fernando Valley.
Van Nuys High School is a significant filming destination in Los Angeles. The institution stands in for the titular school in Amy Heckerling’s iconic coming-of-age movie ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High,’ starring Sean Penn. It can be spotted in the 1979 comedy film ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll High School,’ featuring the renowned band The Ramones. The establishment served as a filming location for several recent productions, including ‘Young Sheldon,’ NBC’s spin-off prequel to ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ and HBO’s sports drama ‘Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty.’
Van Nuys boasts an unparalleled list of alumni, ranging from the iconic Marilyn Monroe to the National Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Don Drysdale. Other prominent stars who attended the school include Natalie Wood, Robert Redford, Julie Brown, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The institution is an essential part of Debra’s storyline in ‘Dexter: Original Sin.’ Through the scenes set in the school, the show reveals her tumultuous upbringing and the loneliness she deals with. She is also bullied or isolated by her schoolmates, which severely affects her, as the seventh episode of the series depicts.
Read More: Dexter: Is Angel of Mercy an Actual Hospital in Miami?
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