Created by Park Jin-kyung, Netflix’s ‘Zombieverse‘ is a Korean reality show featuring celebrities fighting against zombies that have started attacking Seoul, South Korea, and the surrounding areas. More than anything, what makes the series genuinely entertaining is how the cast members react to being in this apocalyptic situation. One participant who caught the world’s attention in the show’s debut season was Fukutomi Tsuki, more famously known as Tsuki.
Fukutomi Tsuki’s Zombieverse Journey
Musician Tsuki was one of the five celebrities who seemingly were asked to be hosts for a show called ‘Love Hunters.’ However, the zombie attack that started taking place in the production area led her and her fellow celebrities to flee the site and get as far away from the situation as possible. Despite her fear of the zombies, Tsuki was always open to doing what was needed, even if it meant venturing into an area filled with zombies.
Tsuki’s efforts undoubtedly helped the survivors find their way out of precarious positions, but her empathy for others truly made her a favorite with the viewers. When she was saved by the rice-puff seller in the parking lot, she rushed to his truck and begged him to come with her and save himself. However, when the man in question revealed that he was already infected, Tsuki was heartbroken and relayed the news tearfully to her fellow survivors.
Thanks to the partnership between Tsuki and DinDin (Lim Cheol), the cast escaped the parking lot and soon made its way toward the countryside. As the group found itself in one precarious position after the other, they tried to remain vigilant. However, during their time in the factory, when the village leader and his goons searched the upper levels of the facility for the survivors, they found Tsukli and locked her in a cage surrounded by zombies.
The group of survivors decided to free Tsuki by sending in Jonathan Yiombi to give her the key to her cage, and while that part of the mission was successful, the man in question did get bitten by the undead. After she rushed out of her cage, her friends threw her a rope, and Dex/Kim Jin-young volunteered to jump down to pull her up before using the same rope to climb back.
Given her sense of empathy, Tsuki never did earn the ire of Park Na-rae and Kkwachu Hyung (both infected), which meant that she could stay in the Ferris Wheel’s cabins without being considered a target of retaliation. While Tsuki and Dindin climbed aboard the boat they had assumed was their rescue vehicle, the other three survivors did not make it, though they were later able to board the boat meant to save them. Tsuki herself was actually on a fishing boat in the company of a strange fisherman and DinDin.
Fukutomi Tsuki is Making Music Today
As of writing, Tsuki is a proud member of Billlie, a South Korean musical girl group created by Mystic Story. The reality TV star has been part of the said team since they released their first extended play (EP) on November 10, 2021, titled “The Billage of Perception: Chapter One.” This means that Tsuki was active in producing the recently released EP “The Billage of Perception: Chapter Three,” which became public on March 28, 2023.
Additionally, Billlie released the Japanese album “GingaMingaYo,” or “The Strange World,” on May 17, 2023. The group won the 2022 Asia Artist Award in the Potential Awards for Music category for their work. They even won the Female Idol (Rising Star) Korea First Brand Award in 2023 and bagged the Emerging Artist Award at Hanteo Music Awards in the same year. Tsuki does not seem very active on social media but appears to be quite content with how her musical career is shaping up. We wish her and her loved ones the best and hope to see more entertaining projects involving her.
Read More: Kkwachu Hyung: Where is Zombieverse Participant Now?
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