Netflix’s ‘Love Tactics 2,’ the sequel to the 2022 film ‘Love Tactic,’ is a Turkish romantic comedy film directed by Recai Karagöz that delves into protagonists Asli and Kerem’s growing relationship and shared future. Asli and Kerem, firm non-believers in the institute of marriage, are forced to oversee their friends Cansu and Tuna’s wedding preparations. Even though Asli doesn’t wish to marry, she finds it hard to accept the blatant dismissal when Kerem verbalizes his relief at not having to marry her. As a result, Asli comes up with a plan to change Kerem’s mind while Kerem tries to show her how awful married life with him would be.
If you’re curious to see where this new battle of wills leads the couple and what it means for their relationship, here is everything you need to know about the ending of ‘Love Tactics 2.’ SPOILERS AHEAD!
Love Tactics 2 Plot Synopsis
A year into their relationship, Asli and Kerem find themselves happy and in love, despite having to attend long hairdresser and cake-tasting appointments for Cansu and Tuna’s sake. As such, when the conversation about marriage arises during a date night, Asli shares her opinion on marriage, calling it a waste that ruins relationships. Although Kerem agrees with her, he acts too pleased with the idea of not marrying Asli, thus offending her.
Although Asli keeps her annoyance a secret from Kerem, she spirals out of control while recounting the incident to her friends, Cansu and Ezgi. As a result, she decides to plot against her boyfriend and show him the ease and numerous benefits that marriage with her would entail. Meanwhile, Kerem’s friends, Tuna and Emir, influence Kerem to believe Asli was dishonest at dinner and wants him to propose.
Consequently, Kerem, still not quite over his commitment issues, decides to lay down a plan to put Asli off marriage. A game of chicken follows in which Asli tries to trick Kerem into changing his mind using her friend’s baby nephew to show him how great of a mother she can be. Since Asli doesn’t like kids and neither is incapable of looking after a baby, the plan fails fantastically after a chaotic afternoon. Simultaneously Kerem tries to annoy Asli by inviting her to hang out with his friends and being a nuisance, but Asli effortlessly handles his demands.
Next, Asli tries to show Kerem a perfect long-term relationship by inviting her parents for dinner. Nevertheless, her plan fails again after she learns her parents’ marriage has taken a turn for the worse, and her mom decides to divorce Asli’s father during dinner.
Mirroring Asli’s latest failed plan, Kerem tries to showcase the pitfalls of marriage through his friend Emir’s complicated life with his wife, Feride. However, through a twist of fate, Feride turns out to be Asli’s high school friend. After reuniting with Feride and Bulut, another childhood friend, who comes to visit her, Asli plans an epic last-minute bachelorette party at Bulut’s private island.
Soon, Kerem learns that Bulut used to be in love with Asli. The revelation makes him travel to the island and interrupt the bachelorette party. Although he tries to be cool about it, framing it as a spur-of-the-moment decision, Asli sees through him. Eventually, Emir and Cansu drunkenly reveal Kerem and Asli’s plans to the other, which halts their mind games to a stop.
The next morning, Kerem surprises Asli with a romantic plane ride, prepared with the anti-anxiety pill Asli would need for her fear of heights. Things take a drastic turn when their rookie pilot faints after the plane flies into a storm. As a result, Kerem, who doesn’t know anything about piloting an aircraft, takes over while a loopy Asli unsuccessfully tries to be helpful. The couple is able to make it to solid land safely, and the near-death experience makes Kerem realize he wants to spend the rest of his life with Asli. However, before Kerem can act on his epiphany, Bulut offers Asli a job for which she would have to move to Dubai for six months.
Love Tactics 2 Ending: Do Kerem And Asli Get Married?
Asli and Kerem’s aversion to marriage presents the film’s central source of conflict. From the beginning, Kerem establishes that he does not wish to marry and believes marriage only dooms a relationship. Since Kerem has a deeply contentious relationship with his mother, who left him when he was a kid, it only makes sense for Kerem to be guarded about commitment regardless of his love for Asli.
Asli has similar opinions on marriage and believes that society uses marriage as a tool to control women by pressuring them to center their lives around men from an early age. Therefore, she also doesn’t wish to marry Kerem. Still, once Kerem’s identical wishes come out in the open, it becomes a matter of ego for her. Likewise, Kerem doubles down on his contempt towards marriage and goes out of his way to present himself as an unappealing husband to Asli.
Nevertheless, after the air clears between the two, they drop their manipulative plots and return to their regular relationship. Only now, Kerem realizes he wishes to marry Asli. During their disastrous plane ride, Kerem realizes he cares more about Asli’s well-being than his own, which is a new feeling for him. As such, he decides he wants to marry Asli and invites her for a romantic dinner.
However, after Kerem proposes, Asli turns him down. Since Asli already believes marriage is restrictive for women, she thinks Kerem only proposed to her because he wants her to decline the Dubai job offer. Although Kerem is heartbroken at Asli’s rejection, he tries to communicate honestly with her and tells her the proposal isn’t a trick. Instead, he truly wishes to indulge in every cliche and wholeheartedly belong to Asli.
Still, both Kerem and Asli have their reservations about marriage. They think it will cause passion and fondness to disappear from their relationship, and they will end up hating each other. Nevertheless, the couple is prepared to take their chances and embark on this new journey together, knowing that as long as they have each other, nothing can really go wrong. In the end, Asli agrees to marry Kerem.
Neither party cares about a grand wedding and only wishes to enforce their love for each other through the ceremony. Therefore they plan a small beach wedding, surrounded only by their close friends and family.
Does Asli Accept The Dubai Job Offer?
Although Asli finds her happy ending through a dream wedding and true love, her romantic life is hardly the only thing she cares about. Asli has always been a driven woman with ambitions and work-oriented goals. Although she no longer runs her life advice blog, we know that even in her personal life, she intentionally indulged in productive work to gain more success. Therefore, when Bulut offers her a job in Dubai, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Asli.
The first movie ends with Asli leaving her old job as a fashion designer in a big brand. Since then, Asli has successfully started her own fashion brand, “Asli Yildirim.” By using her own name for the brand, she proves how closely she associates her work life with her identity. Bulut’s job offer presents an opportunity for Asli to grow her brand and find tremendous success. Due to the same, she would have been able to accept the job without even thinking about it if it weren’t for Kerem.
Kerem has a career in marketing and can’t uproot his life for six months. Consequently, Asli assumes accepting the offer would mean ending things with Kerem without talking to him about it. However, after the couple actually has an open and honest conversation, they come to a solution that works perfectly for them.
Asli accepts the job offer and relocates to Dubai for the upcoming six months after their wedding. In turn, Kerem flies over whenever he can. By doing so, they are able to manage their long-distance relationship and keep their love alive. Asli’s job also helps them keep things fresh and new between them.
In a way, the distance improves their relationship even more since they don’t have to worry about growing tired of each other after getting married. In the end, Asli sets out on a new life adventure with Kerem after finding a happy ending in her love life and career.
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