The second season of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Mayor of Kingstown‘ sees protagonist Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) dealing with the gang wars raging in the titular town. As Mike tries to establish peace, he suffers a crisis of fate n the eighth episode, titled ‘Santa Jesus.’ Meanwhile, Bunny is finally released from prison, and Ian makes a questionable choice to protect Robert. In the end, Mike comes face-to-face with an unexpected character, setting the stage for the season’s climatic conflict. If you are looking for answers about the episode’s cliffhanger ending, here is everything you need to know with regards to ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 2 episode 8! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 8 Recap
The eighth episode, titled ‘Santa Jesus,’ opens with Mike McLusky drinking at a bar early in the morning. After a brief conversation with the bartender at Rudy’s Pub, Mike hands over his gun and keys to her. He promises to return for them later before heading out on a bender. Meanwhile, Bunny brings a gift for his cousin, Raphael, as they continue to stay at the Anchor Bay prison. While Raphael is overjoyed to receive a piano, Bunny explains that it is a parting gift. He reveals that Mike convinced Evelyn Foley to sign his release papers. As a result, Bunny will be leaving the prison by the afternoon. Bunny’s job is done with Raphael installed as the new Crips shot-caller inside the prison.
Mariam calls Mike to inform him of Jacob’s situation. However, Mike’s phone is locked inside a drawer on his office desk. His assistant Rebecca worries after not finding Mike in his office. Meanwhile, Kyle visits Mariam to enquire about Mike’s whereabouts. However, Mariam is worried as she is unable to contact Mike. Kyle leaves the house after promising to find Mike. Meanwhile, Mike continues to drink, and Bunny is released from prison. The Crips gang throws a party to celebrate Bunny’s release, and he leaves a voice message inviting Mike to the party.
Kyle reaches Bunny’s hideout in search of his brother. Kyle explains the situation to Bunny, and the latter expresses concern as Mike did not show up to receive him at the prison. Therefore, Bunny promises to make some calls and help look for Mike. In prison, Charlie eats a bunch of stones, damaging his teeth in a bid to get out of prison. As a result, Ian is called in to escort the deranged serial killer to a dentist. However, while driving Charlie back to prison, Ian stops at Ben’s house.
Ben is responsible for the Internal Affairs investigation against Robert Sawyer and his team. As a result, Ian threatens Ben with letting Charlie loose on him and his family if he does not take his words back. Ben calls the DA’s office and walks back on his complaints against Robert. However, before Ian and Charlie leave, Ben insults Charlie. As a result, Charlie attacks Ben and kills him. Ian is forced to cover up Ben’s death and leaves the house after making it look like it was robbed. Later, Ian contemplates killing Charlie but decides against it. Robert and his team are given a clean chit and hold a celebration.
After talking to his sources, Bunny informs Kyle that no one has seen Mike in the last day or so. Elsewhere, Milo Sunter meets Iris at the church. He discusses Iris’ situation and laments her betrayal. Milo believes Iris is wasting her talent and leaves after giving her a manipulative speech. At the Juvenile Detention Center, Mariam visits Jacob, but he has already been moved, and there is no record of him in the system. Mike continues his bender and meets Allison at a bar. They hook up while Ian and Kyle wait in his office, hoping Mike will arrive. Ian discovers Mike’s phone, and the group becomes more concerned.
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 8 Ending: Who Attacked Mike?
In the episode, Mike meets Allison, the widow of a correctional officer who died during the prison riots. After Mike and Allison hook up, Mike leaves early in the morning. As he recovers from his hangover, Mike walks home, only to be followed by a mysterious car. Mike quickly realizes his life is in danger and goes to Rudy’s Pub. Mike retrieves his gun and engages in combat with the car’s driver, who attacks him. Mike survives the near-death situation, but the identity of his attacker remains a mystery.
In the episode, Kyle exclaims that Bunny is the only gang leader released from prison. Mike threatened Gunner, and he is still locked up. The Mexican gang leader, Luis, was killed at Anchor Bay. As a result, Kyle suspects the other gangs might target Mike for not keeping up with his end of the bargain. The man who attacked Mike is likely from Gunner’s crew. With the Aryans attacking the Mayor himself, the peace in Kingstown seems more fragile than ever. Moreover, with Mike killing the driver, the conflict is likely to escalate in the future.
What Does Milo Want?
After Mike recovers from the attack on his life, he sits on a nearby bench only to be greeted by Milo Sunter, his arch-nemesis. The episode ends with Milo asking Mike why he’s been looking for the criminal. Earlier in the season, Mike recovered the bearer bonds hidden away by Milo. As a result, he believes the bonds are his best chance of capturing Milo. Thus, it is safe to say that Milo is after his money and will spare no one when it comes to getting his hands on the bonds. With his life already in danger, MIke’s confrontation with Milo could prove to be fatal not just for the Mayor but also for his family since Kyle has the bonds. Hence, how Mike will deal with Milo remains to be seen.
Read More: Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 7 Recap and Ending, Explained
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