A beautiful romantic comedy, ‘All The Bright Places‘ centers around Violet Markey (Elle Fanning) and Theodore Finch (Justice Smith), who are both in emotionally difficult situations when they first meet. However, it is the friendship, and eventually, the love that develops between them, which keeps these two people sane.
The story talks about the effects of mental health issues on our lives and the importance of not losing the ability to care for our loved ones. This is a film that does not hesitate to talk about issues we all go through, which makes us relate to the central characters and their plight. If you have enjoyed watching this film, here are some other titles you can check out. Many of them are available on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
7. After (2019)
‘After’ is the story of college freshman Tessa Young, a prim and proper girl who has done everything in her life perfectly. However, her first semester at college changes Tessa’s life drastically.
She meets a James Dean-like character called Hardin Scott, who forces her to change her perceptions of the world. The film does begin with a lot of promise but then steers into cliches and loses its charm.
6. Me Before You (2016)
Emilia Clarke plays a character called Louisa Clark in this heartwarming romantic drama film. When she ends up getting fired from the cafe where she used to work, Louisa finds a job as a caretaker of a rich banker who has recently been paralyzed in an accident.
As these two helpless people spend more and more time together, a romance starts to blossom between them. The film is a complete tearjerker, but the graceless treatment of the subject is what keeps it from achieving greatness.
5. The Fault In Our Stars (2014)
Young people getting affected by cancer is one of the most heartbreaking things in the world. The film ‘The Fault in Our Stars‘ is one which deals with two such people.
It shows us how love and life, is something that we can always feel no matter what the situation in our lives currently is. Here we follow two people who first come across each other at a cancer support group and then go on a journey to meet the author that both of them have always loved.
Read More: Movies Like Me Before You
4. The Vow (2012)
Starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, ‘The Vow‘ is a 2012 romantic drama film that centers around the struggles of a newly married couple who find their sweet love story blown apart when the wife, Paige, ends up being in a coma after a car accident.
When she wakes up from the same, she has completely forgotten about everything, including her husband Leo. Now it is up to Leo to show her how much he loves her, in order to sustain their marriage. The premise of the film is absolutely heartbreaking, but the story fails to travel deep into the heart of the issue at hand.
3. One Day (2011)
Based on a similarly-titled book by David Nicholls, ‘One Day‘ is the story of Dexter and Emma over 18 years where they always make it a point to meet each other on 15th July, no matter where in the world they are.
The several ups and downs in their lives are quite impressively compiled together, but the film ends on such a heartbreaking note, that it is bound to make you well up. Both Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess are simply outstanding in their respective roles.
2. Dear John (2010)
Whenever soldiers go out to report for duty, their loved ones sit at home, awaiting any kind of news with bated breath. Savannah, a college student, goes through the same ordeal whenever her boyfriend John, a solider, has to spend time with the army.
The only mode of communication for the two of them, are the letters that they constantly write to each other. If you are looking for a heartbreaking romantic movie to watch, you can easily opt for ‘Dear John’ without giving it too much thought.
1. The Spectacular Now (2013)
‘The Spectacular Now‘ is centered around the romantic relationship which develops between two completely opposite people, Sutter and Aimee. While Sutter is a party animal who is not at all interested in his future, Aimee is someone who likes to plan ahead, and we see her always eagerly making plans regarding what she will do after she is done with school.
Although they are different people, a chance encounter brings these two together, and their friendship takes a turn towards something deeper. A poignant film, ‘The Spectacular Now’ is so well-written that you will always feel that these two characters are real people who share the same joys, pains, and sorrows as all of us.
Read More: Movies Like One Day
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