Based on the 1987 film of the same name, Paramount+’s ‘Fatal Attraction’ is a psychological drama series that follows Dan Gallagher, who has a brief affair with Alexandra “Alex” Forrest. The erotic thriller retells the iconic film’s story in a modern context with several changes and additions. Among the most significant tweaks to the source material are the changes made to Dan and Alex’s professional lives. Since Dan and Alex’s jobs are a crucial part of the original story, it is natural for viewers to wonder about the same when it comes to the television adaptation. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Dan Gallagher: District Attorney in Series
Daniel “Dan” Gallagher is the male protagonist of the 1987 film ‘Fatal Attraction’ and its 2023 television adaptation. In the movie, actor Michael Douglas essays the role of Dan Gallagher. Viewers will recognize Douglas from his performance as Hank Pym in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Sandy Kominsky in the Netflix comedy series ‘The Kominsky Method.’ Actor Joshua Jackson takes over the role in the television series. Jackson is best known for playing Charlie Conway in the sports comedy film ‘Mighty Ducks’ and Dr. Christopher Duntsch in the thriller series ‘Dr. Death.’
In the 1987 film, Dan Gallagher is a hot-shot lawyer who works at a high-end law firm based in New York. As a result, Dan can be categorized as a corporate lawyer. However, Dan’s professional life receives a slight twist in the 2023 television series. In the series, Dan is still a lawyer but does not work at a private law firm. Instead, he is a District Attorney at the District Court in Los Angeles. Hence, Dan mostly works with criminal cases registered at the District Court. The tweak in Dan’s profession provides more depth to his character as Dan’s job makes his moral ambiguity apparent. Furthermore, Dan is on his way to becoming a judge. As a result, his affair with Alex directly affects his professional and personal life.
Alex Forrest: District Court Employee in TV Series
Alexandra “Alex” Forrest is the female protagonist of the ‘Fatal Attraction’ film and television series. In the movie, actress Glenn Close portrays the obsessive and persistent Alex Forrest. Close is arguably best known for her performance as Cruella de Vil in the 1996 adventure comedy film ‘101 Dalmatians’ and Patricia “Patty” Hewes in the legal thriller series ‘Damages.’ For the television series, actress Lizzy Caplan brings her take on the iconic character of Alex Forrest. Caplan gained recognition for her performance as Gretchen Wieners in the teen drama film ‘Mean Girls.’ She is also known for her appearances in shows such as ‘Party Down’ and ‘Fleishman Is in Trouble.‘
In the film version of ‘Fatal Attraction,’ Alex Forrest is an editor for a publishing company. Alex’s obsession with Dan is the main focus of her storyline, and her work life does not get much attention in the screenplay. Similarly, Alex’s professional life is disjointed from Dan’s career. However, the television series gives Alex a new profession closely tied to Dan. Alex works for the District Court in the Victims Service Bureau in the series. Thus, Alex and Dan are technically co-workers. As a result, their brief affair is recontextualized and directly impacts their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, when Alex’s attraction takes an obsessive turn, she has direct access to Dan’s life and threatens to destroy it, adding another layer to the conflict between Dan and Alex.
Read More: When and Where Does Fatal Attraction (2023) Take Place?
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