Disney+’s ‘World’s Best’ is a musical comedy movie that follows a 12-year-old Indian mathematics expert named Prem Patel who thinks mathematics is his calling while he navigates the hardships that come with adolescence. However, when he finds out that his deceased father, Suresh, was a famous hip-hop musician, he grabs the mic himself and embarks on a journey to discover whether hip-hop is in his DNA. Inspired and fueled by his father’s imaginative presence, Prem attempts to follow in Suresh’s footsteps and pursues becoming a rap superstar despite the people around him considering his actions to be reckless and self-sabotaging.
Directed by Roshan Sethi, the hip-hop-based movie stars Utkarsh Ambudkar, Manny Magnus, Punam Patel, Jake Choi, Max Malas, Piper Wallace, Kayla Njeri, Dorian Giordano, Kathryn Greenwood, and more. The comedy-drama movie takes place in different locations, including Prem’s house, his school, and stages, where he embodies a rap superstar performing with his imaginative father. So, if you are interested in knowing where ‘World’s Best’ was actually filmed, allow us to fill you in on all the necessary details about the same!
World’s Best Filming Locations
‘World’s Best’ was filmed in California and Ontario, particularly in Los Angeles, Toronto, and Niagara Falls. As per reports, principal photography for the musical movie commenced in early May 2022 under the working title ‘Mathinated’ and wrapped up in July of the same year. So, without any further delay, let us take you through Prem Patel’s coming-of-age journey and learn about all the specific locations where he explores his true purpose in life!
Los Angeles, California
The Southern Californian city of Los Angeles served as one of the primary filming sites of ‘World’s Best’ as several significant portions feature the city’s posh and versatile terrains. Given the close connections to the Hollywood industry, the City of Angels is an ideal production location for different film projects, including the Roshan Sethi directorial. In fact, over the years, it has hosted the production of several movies and TV shows, such as ‘The Fabelmans,’ ‘White Men Can’t Jump,’ ‘Never Have I Ever,’ ‘Barry,’ and ‘Young Sheldon.’
Toronto, Ontario
A significant chunk of ‘World’s Best’ was lensed in and around Toronto, with the production team setting up camp in numerous sites across the city to tape different scenes against suitable backdrops. For instance, the high school scenes involving the protagonist, Prem, in the fictional Delta High School Hamilton were reportedly recorded either in one of the actual institutional establishments or in one of the film studios in Toronto.
Niagara Falls, Ontario
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘World’s Best’ also traveled to the city of Niagara Falls, situated on the western bank of the Niagara River. During the production schedule, the cast and crew members were spotted recording key scenes in and around the popular Niagara Falls, a group of three waterfalls between Ontario and New York State.
Read More: Best Hip-Hop Movies