Created by Rachel Clements, Sam Meikle, and Isaac Elliott, ‘MaveriX’ is a gripping teen sports drama series. The story chronicles six budding motocross riders, who attempt to set aside their differences while forming a racing team to take part in the national titles. While packing themes like teenage angst, friendship, and set against a competitive environment, the series probes into the world of its teenage protagonists, who are ever-striving and passionate about the game. If you have liked the venture, we have some suggestions that you should check out at all costs. You may find most of these shows similar to ‘MaveriX’ on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
7. H2O: Just Add Water (2006-2010)
‘H2O: Just Add Water’ is a family-friendly series about three teenagers, for whom, life is a lot more struggle than the average kid. They try to sift through their high school chores while hiding the whole school the fact that they are mermaids. With their powers, they help friends and creatures they love, but the bullies posit a threat to their modest and normal teen school life. Struggling mermaids make for great television, and the series has become one of the cult teen Australian shows in the later years, endowed with a spin-off series. If you seek another Aussie teen series following ‘MaveriX,’ this is a show you must add to the watchlist.
6. Dive Club (2021-)
Created by Steve Jaggi, ‘Dive Club’ is a lavishly produced teenage mystery show with an allure of adventure and a young adult vibe. The premise entails the disappearance of founder member Lauren after a storm, which propels her friends to get to the bottom of the mystery. Nothing much happens in Cape Mercy, their small seaside town, but there may be treasure in the depth of the seas. Meanwhile, the secret of the town waits to be revealed. The series will tickle the imagination of the nerd in you and also prepare you for an adrenaline-filled journey. If you seek to watch another series set in Australia following ‘MaveriX,’ this is the series you should consider binging.
5. Fast & Furious Spy Racers (2019-)
Based on the famed ‘Fast & Furious‘ franchise by Gary Scott Thompson, ‘Fast & Furious Spy Racers’ is an action animation series featuring a motley crew of dope spy racers. Tony Toretto wants to be famous like his racer cousin, and thanks to a covert government agency, he gets a chance to infiltrate an elite racing league.
The competition seems to be the front of a criminal organization planning to dominate the world. Following its release, the series was touted in the media in favor of its production, animation, and dynamic action and racing sequences. However, you feel like easing the tension of ‘MaveriX,’ this is another racing show that demands your watch.
4. Supermax (2016)
Although axed after a sole season, the mystery horror series ‘Supermax’ takes the mock-documentary genre to new and macabre heights. Created by José Alvarenga Jr., Marçal Aquino, and Fernando Bonassi, the series revolves around a group of twelve, who remain locked inside a maximum-security prison in the Amazonian rainforest.
On their path towards an exit, the prisoners have to steer away from the supernatural beings, as they struggle to face their worst enemies in the mirror. With a stellar cast ensemble, the venture is utterly believable and even chilling. If you seek another series that builds on a tense competitive scenario following ‘MaveriX,’ this is the series you should rely on to fill your spook counter.
3. The Umbrella Academy (2019-)
Based on the eponymous comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba and created by Steve Blackman for Netflix, the action fiction series ‘The Umbrella Academy‘ packs a fantastical premise. At noon on October 1, 1989, forty-three women gave birth to children, seemingly out of nowhere. At this juncture, eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves assembled a team of seven, turning them into the titular team of superheroes, who also make a dysfunctional family full of volatile repercussions. If you seek to see another series based around an academy following ‘MaveriX,’ this is a series that will entice your imagination.
2. Cobra Kai (2018-)
Out of his ‘Rocky‘ success, John G. Avildsen went on to direct the first film of the famed ‘The Karate Kid‘ franchise, which may be one of your favorite live-action kids’ franchises if you were born in the 90s. Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg revived the much-celebrated franchise in their uproarious adventure action-comedy series ‘Cobra Kai.’
The story begins thirty-four years after the 1984 All-Valley Karate Tournament when Johnny Lawrence is stuck in a day job. After saving neighbor Miguel from a group of bullies, he agrees to train him. In an amusing turn of fate, he meets his old nemesis Daniel LaRusso. Both William Zabka and Ralph Macchio reprise their roles from the original series, adding further charm. If you are more interested in karate than dirt racing as depicted in ‘MaveriX,’ this is a show that you should consider giving a try.
1. Elite (2018-)
Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona, thriller teen drama ‘Elite‘ is a blast of emotions. The story follows a group of students in the elite school Las Encinas, where commotion follows after three working-class students enroll with their affluent classmates. What follows is a story of passion, romance, confusion, class struggle, gender concerns, and bloodshed, sprinkled with a pop “guilty pleasure” aspect. If you seek to watch some more high-tension teen shows following ‘MaveriX,’ this is a streaming gem you should add to your bucket list.
Read More: MaveriX Ending, Explained
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