Originally titled ‘Olhar Indiscreto,’ Netflix’s ‘Lady Voyeur‘ is a mystery thriller show developed by Marcela Citterio. It follows Miranda, a hacker who can trace any information in the blink of an eye. However, her curiosity spills over to her real life as she spies on her neighbor, Cleo, a sex worker. When the latter’s disappearance leads to Miranda getting entangled with a dangerous family, her whole world turns upside down. Now, she must fight for her life and emerge victorious.
Revenge, love, lust, and the desire for power drive the motivations of various characters in the story. The Brazilian show makes the most of the voyeurism concept, as that is where Miranda’s story begins. Furthermore, it grapples with aspects of sex trafficking and abuse. If you want to binge more similar steamy shows that focus on voyeurs and their adventures or revolve around privacy and lust, then you will love the following recommendations.
8. Brave New World (2020)
‘Brave New World’ is a science fiction series based on the novel of the same name by Aldous Huxley. It is set in a dystopian society where citizens are genetically engineered and live in a highly controlled environment. The story follows Bernard Marx, an underprivileged community member who becomes disillusioned with his world and begins questioning the strict social hierarchy. Along with his friend Helmholtz Watson and a woman named Lenina Crowne, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion.
The show perfectly portrays the impact of technology and the issue of privacy; it poses a situation where everyone belongs to everyone. Miranda in ‘Lady Voyeur’ relates to the technology facet as she is a hacker. Moreover, breach of privacy plays a role in both shows, as Miranda spies on her neighbor without thinking of her boundaries.
7. Who Killed Sara? (2021-2022)
The Spanish thriller show ‘Who Killed Sara?‘ (originally titled ‘¿Quién Mató a Sara?’) explores a brother, Alex’s journey of redemption and vengeance on the real perpetrators of his sister’s murder. To save their filthy influential name, a powerful family blames him for their crimes instead. However, during his expedition to find the truth, Alex finds a lot more than just the names of the responsible criminals. Developed by José Ignacio Valenzuela, the show is engaging and intriguing till the very end. Like ‘Lady Voyeur,’ this show explores the concept of revenge. In addition, both shows accentuate a wealthy family’s efforts to save their reputation and throw someone else under the bus.
6. Clever Girl (2015- )
Joe Zappa is the creator of this thrilling series ‘Clever Girl,’ which follows a writer, Denise, who aspires to write a murder mystery story. She soon falls for Chris, a charming pianist with a dangerous hobby. The tragic consequences that fall like dominos on the couple and their neighbors who keep a watchful eye on them are fatal for everyone involved. Miranda and the couple’s neighbors in ‘Clever Girl’ are similar as they are all voyeurs. They derive pleasure from watching their neighbors.
5. Voyeur Killings (2018)
As the name suggests, ‘Voyeur Killings’ is an action thriller show that follows Roxy, a martial arts expert. Roxy embarks on a mission to murder voyeurs, stopping them from taking advantage of innocent people. Starring Karen Loriana, Anna Ranoso, and Vanoy Burnough, the show portrays the evils of voyeurism and stands against it. It explores the fierce female protagonist’s efforts to rid the world of this corrupt practice. Even though ‘Voyeur Killings’ and ‘Lady Voyeur’ focus on voyeurism, they have very different stances on the concept.
4. Blood Strangers (2002)
Actors Caroline Quentin, Paul McGann, and Sheridan Smith essay the central characters in the crime mystery show ‘Blood Strangers.’ The show focuses on a mother’s efforts to get to the bottom of the truth behind her daughter’s gruesome death. She resolves to find the answers with a police officer. Gradually, the mother learns that her daughter was a sex worker and died at the hands of a violent person. ‘Lady Voyeur’ also dives into the world of sex work like the show ‘Blood Strangers’ does. Both shows highlight the truth behind the profession and the reality of sex workers.
3. Voyeur (2016- )
‘Voyeur’ is a thriller series that features a shy and closed-off protagonist, Ira, who finds it hard to make friends and socialize. He uses social media to get closer to people and learn more about them. Gradually, stalking and snooping become second nature to Ira as he even breaks into people’s homes. Consequently, this becomes a sick obsession, and he gets lost in the insanity.
Soon, Ira forgets the lines between ethics and crimes. Created by Chris Carson Emmons, the show does not shy away from exploring darker themes and the protagonist’s psyche. Miranda and Ira are voyeurs who peek into other people’s lives without consent. Not just that, but both protagonists get entangled in their respective webs and find it hard to make it out alive.
2. The Stranger (2020)
‘The Stranger’ is a British mystery thriller series based on the novel of the same name by Harlan Coben. It chronicles the life of Adam Price, a man whose world is turned upside down when a stranger tells him a shocking secret about his wife. As he sets out to uncover the truth, he realizes that nothing is as it seems and that the people closest to him are not who they appear to be. Like the Prado and Cuoto family in ‘Lady Voyeur,’ the family in ‘The Stranger’ also has secrets. In both shows, a stranger enters their lives and unravels their life completely.
1. The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window (2022)
‘The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window’ is a suspense thriller show that takes some inspiration from the movie ‘The Woman In The Window.’ Created by Michael Lehmann, the show dives into grief and its repercussions in the life of Anna. She isolates herself in her home after her young daughter dies.
However, Anna feels a change in the air as she spots a charming stranger across from her house. When she witnesses a murder as well, her newfound hobby of watching from the window takes a darker turn. Like Miranda, even Anna falls into the habit of keeping an eye on her neighbor from her window. Eventually, for both of them, the repercussions turn out to be catastrophic.
Read More: Lady Voyeur Ending, Explained: Who is Cleo? Does She Die?
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