Bad Monkey Finale Recap and Ending, Explained: Does Yancy Catch Nick and Eve?

The tenth and final episode of Apple TV+’s crime drama series ‘Bad Monkey’ follows the aftermath of Andrew Yancy’s decision to stay back on Andros Island to capture Nick and Eve Stripling. The detective risks losing his relationship with Rosa Campesino and tries to bring the two criminals to Miami, Florida, and lead them to the FBI. While Yancy attempts to trap his targets with the help of Neville Stafford, the husband and wife deal with their challenges. The finale, titled ‘We’re in the Memory-Making Business,’ concludes with several questions regarding the detective’s life and career! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Bad Monkey Episode 10 Recap

‘We’re in the Memory-Making Business’ starts with Gracie/Dragon Queen’s confrontation with Eve. The former threatens to harm the latter for trying to steal an enormous amount of land and asks her to leave the island. A bolt of lightning that strikes a nearby tree distracts Gracie, which gives Eve enough time to push the psychic to a pointed branch and kill her. After the deadly encounter, the Obeah–practicing woman’s spirit seemingly visits Ya-Ya and Egg to bid adieu to them. Andrew Yancy plans to trap Nick and Eve in an aircraft and transport them to Miami, where the FBI will be awaiting them.

Yancy, Neville, and Dawnie pretend to be the friends of Claspers, the Stripling couple’s personal pilot. The group convinces the easy-going man to join them. To set the plan in motion, the detective asks the FBI’s Director Rhodes to indirectly inform Nick and Eve that their bank account will be frozen within a day. The protagonist expects the detail to rattle the couple, forcing them to withdraw all their money as soon as possible. Nick is still struggling with the bullet injury near his spine, which keeps him bound to a wheelchair. Still, he plans to elope to London with his wife.

Yancy tries to arrest Eve when she shows up at the bank to withdraw the money in the Striplings’ account before leaving Andros. However, the local policemen show up out of nowhere to arrest the detective. Neville rises to the occasion and saves his new friend from the authorities. While the detective deals with the American couple, the Bahamian fisherman ends up together with Dawnie and plans to rebuild his house on Green Beach. He also reunites with his beloved monkey, Driggs, after Ya-Ya allows the latter to reconnect with his real master. The old woman becomes the mentor of Lulu, who displays enough potential to follow in Gracie’s footsteps.

Bad Monkey Ending: Why Does Eve Kill Nick?

After withdrawing the money from the bank, Eve prepares to leave Andros on a yacht. However, instead of helping Nick board the watercraft, she leaves him to drown to death. Since his bullet injury paralyzes the criminal, he fails even to try to swim, causing his unexpected demise. Eve kills Nick because the latter becomes a burden to her. The woman has never cared for her husband like she has loved his money. The only reason she remains with him is the fortune he offers to her using the funds he has accumulated as a fraudster. The idea of owning a Bahamian resort and immersing herself in luxury convinced her to share her life with him.

However, the turn of events that ends with Nick getting paralyzed changes Eve’s mind. She does not want to become his caretaker, maid, or cleaner. The future appears bleak to her when she thinks about her responsibility of taking care of his basic needs as a semi-paralyzed man. Furthermore, the sense of security and luxury she has experienced while being with him evaporates when the FBI starts to hunt them down. Eve realizes that Nick not only can no longer care for her but also will slow her down, which motivates her to kill him. His paralysis exposes her lack of love for him, which she deals with by murdering him.

Eve’s relationships solely depend on how much she can gain from one. If the answer is none, she cannot care for the person. If the same individual threatens her ambitions in any way as Nick does by slowing her down and expecting her to look after him, her homicidal impulses get the better of her, causing murders of people like Nick and “Heather with the Weather.”

Why Does Yancy Let Eve Go? How Does She Die?

After killing Nick, Eve tries to escape from Andros on a yacht. When she starts her journey, Yancy jumps into the water and grabs the watercraft’s rope. He puts his life on the line not to let her go, which is understandable considering how he prioritizes capturing her and Nick over building a life with Rosa. However, ultimately, Yancy lets the criminal escape as he lets go of the yacht’s rope. The detective allows Eve to escape because he learns that sacrificing his life is not worth capturing her. Over the years, he has committed exceptionally well to his profession and the notion of justice.

As an officer bound to uphold law and order, Yancy has gone to extreme lengths to solve complex crimes, including the one involving Nick and Eve. Unfortunately, this dedication to his job has affected him more than anyone else. He loses his father and Rosa alike. Even his relationship with his best friend, Ro/Rogelio, suffers due to his obsession with his profession. When he grabs the rope of Eve’s yacht with all his might, these realizations go through his mind. He asks himself what the point of losing everyone who loves him is just to catch a criminal.

Nothing in the world will change if Yancy captures Eve. The harsh reality behind crimes and criminals won’t cease to exist only because of his target’s potential arrest. She may even use her money to buy freedom, which will be nothing but a mockery of the detective’s efforts to bring her to justice. These possibilities teach him to let her go and prioritize his life for once. Despite running away from Yancy to Portugal, karma pushes Eve to her death. While enjoying a remarkable vacation in the European country, a piece of carrot gets stuck in her throat, causing her to lose her balance, fall onto the ground, and die because of the injury.

Does Yancy End Up With Rosa or Bonnie?

When ‘Bad Monkey’ concludes, Yancy ends up together with neither Rosa nor Bonnie. After he returns to his house in Key West, the woman on the run calls him and implies that she still has feelings for him. Bonnie has enough reasons to love him. When the men in her life usually made her miserable one way or the other, Yancy turned out to be the only exception. He has always allowed her to remain mysterious without demanding to know the secrets she buried within her heart’s deepest corners. He has always respected her and her choices without interrogating her, which appeals to a criminal like Bonnie.

However, Yancy is not interested in Bonnie anymore. When she calls him, he clarifies to her that he wants to be with Rosa. He decides against giving his ex-girlfriend any ray of hope concerning their reunion by concealing his breakup with the medical examiner. His love for Rosa is visible in the lie he tells the latter when she asks him about the call. Since they are not in a relationship, he is free to talk to anyone, but he doesn’t want Bonnie to jeopardize his chance at reuniting with the woman before him. Yancy desperately wants to be with Rosa again, and it may even happen in the future.

Yancy and Rosa’s separation is not carved in stone. They are separated not because he chooses to capture Nick and Eve over returning to Florida with her. The medical examiner knows him well enough to understand why he did the same, and that’s the reason why she still has sex with him. Rather than breaking up with him for good, Rosa is taking a break from him to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. The adventure and thrills she experiences with the “former detective” convince her that she hasn’t been enjoying her regular life. The break she takes is the time she needs to bring joy and satisfaction to her everyday reality.

To do that, Rosa needs to be on her own. She cannot let Yancy take her away to new adventures when her attention needs to be on herself. Thus, she is expected to get back together with him when she wins the battle against her existential crisis. Until then, her ex-boyfriend may need to settle with occasional, steamy sexual encounters.

What is in Ro’s Car?

When Yancy returns to Miami from Andros, he has become a changed man. He realizes that there is more to life than his commitment to his profession and obsession with solving complex crimes. That’s why he embraces his superiors’ decision to fire him and remove his badge. However, Ro is not convinced that his best friend can change and become a better man overnight. The police officer believes that his companion is faking his newfound calmness and satisfaction. To expose Yancy’s hidden curiosity, Ro tells him that something in his car would intrigue the former.

Since Ro leads him to the unforgettable case of the amputated hand, Yancy expects a similar object or thing that will make him embark on a new investigative journey. If it really exists, the particular thing can be a clue associated with another intriguing case, setting up the potential second season of the crime drama series. If it doesn’t exist, the whole conversation is Ro’s way of holding a mirror against Yancy’s undying passion for investigations and solving crimes. Regardless of what the “thing” is, the cliffhanger shows that his awakening doesn’t last long to keep him on the sidelines.

Read More: Bad Monkey: Is Andre’s Fritters a Real Restaurant on Andros Island?