The fifth episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Tulsa King’ season 2, titled ‘Tilting at Windmills,’ follows the challenges Dwight “The General” Manfredi faces while trying to expand his business empire by running the newly leased-out wind farms. Cal Thresher remains a headache as far as the former Mafia capo is concerned, especially since the former relies on desperate measures to retaliate against the new general in town. The men of Don Charles “Chickie” Invernizzi are concerned about the way the head of the family is handling the Tulsa affair, making Vince Antonacci propose a truce. Despite all this chaos, Dwight finds time to be an endearing partner! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Dwight Manfredi Shares His Wisdom
‘Tilting at Windmills’ begins with Dwight Manfredi joining Tina to take his two grandchildren to their new school. The facilities and specialties of the educational institution, which finds football violent and scoreless basketball an excellent team spirit-building sport, do not impress the former Mafia capo. He tells his daughter and sister, Joanne, that the kids should learn how to defend themselves and handle the problems they will potentially face. The two women shut him down by stating that the world has changed around him significantly, even though he hasn’t one bit. They are impressed by the school and the peaceful, creative atmosphere, much to Dwight’s dismay.
After giving an earful to Tina and Joanne, Dwight goes to have ice cream with Tyson, who is hell-bent on retaliating against Bill Bevilaqua for trying to kill the former Mafia capo. His boss tells him that he retaliated enough by murdering Caputo and sending the hitman’s dead body to his enemy as a message. The right-hand man is unconvinced, only for Dwight to teach him about the patience of the Colombo Mafia family, which helped its members achieve greatness. He then leaves for the Fennario Ranch to ask Margaret Devereaux out for a date. Tyson fights with Armand “Manny” Truisi when the latter fails to submit the “envelope.”
Under Dwight’s guidance, Mitch “the Stick” Keller starts running Donnie Shore’s Auto Corral. He is awaiting the necessary documents from General Motors to operate the store. Meanwhile, his boss asks the rockstar to act in an ad himself for the car dealership’s marketing. Joanne starts working at Even Higher Plane. After walking around the store, she realizes that the place lacks munchies and decides to bake cookies to sell them as snacks to the marijuana customers.
Chickie Invites Dwight Manfredi and Bill Bevilaqua to a Sit-Down
After Chickie insinuates that he killed his father, Pete “The Rock” Invernizzi, Vince grows suspicious of his boss’ ability to handle their affairs. Since they are down to a skeleton crew, the gang cannot wage a war against Dwight. Considering that their businesses will remain affected as long as the conflict between them and the former Mafia capo’s forces lasts, Vince suggests a truce. He proposes having a sit-down with Bill Bevilaqua and Dwight in Atlanta to solve the predicament amicably. Chickie hopes that Tulsa’s new general will offer monetary compensation to Kansas City’s main man to settle the dispute.
Bevilaqua is not particularly excited about the proposition, but he doesn’t respond no for good. Chickie then calls Dennis “Goodie” Carangi to invite Dwight to the meeting. The Manfredis’ consigliere has no reason to trust his former boss, but he is vice enough to know how important these sit-downs are. He passes the message to his current master and clarifies that he thinks the latter should attend the same. Meanwhile, Lawrence “Bodhi” Geigerman and Jimmy “the Creek” arrive at the wind farm they leased out with Dwight. They meet Holata and Millo, who are experts when it comes to repairing windmills. However, they receive an unexpected group of guests who are determined to thrash the place.
Cal Thresher Grows Desperate
Cal Thresher suffers a significant defeat when Dwight leases out the wind farm instead of him. He appears at the Fennario Ranch, only to accidentally encounter the former Mafia capo, who confronts the businessman about coming in his way. The General’s strengthening relationship with Margaret further hurts him since he has wanted to get together with her. Their confrontation ends when the owner of the ranch shows up with a gun. Thresher then calls Bill Bevilaqua and proposes a partnership to handle Dwight together. He lets the Kansas City man know that their common enemy has been affecting his businesses significantly.
However, Bevilaqua is not interested in a partnership. He doesn’t want to meddle with affairs that are not his concern. The gang leader has nothing to gain from helping the businessman, especially when he believes he can handle Dwight on his own. When the conversation with Bevilaqua reaches a dead end, Thresher sends Jackie Ming’s men to Dwight’s wind farm to thrash the place. Jackie disapproves of the businessman using his men without asking his permission, but the latter doesn’t care since the Chinese gangster didn’t seek his approval to produce heroin on his farm.
The men arrive at the wind farm and attack Bodhi, who informs Dwight about the situation. The former Mafia capo arrives at the scene with Tyson, Mitch, Goodie, and Big Foot and handles the intruders. After the fight, he goes on a date with Margaret, who is not interested in talking about “you-know-who.” However, Thresher has already asked the restaurant to gift them a rare bottle of Perrier-Jouët’s Belle Epoque 2002. Dwight takes advantage of the gesture and orders two bottles and asks the waiter to gift another one to a couple nearby.
Read More: Tulsa King: Is Bred 2 Buck a Real Saloon in Tulsa? Where is it Located?
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