Created by Nick Antosca and Robin Veith, ‘Candy’ is a true-crime series based upon the real-life murder of Betty Gore. Set in 1980 Texas, the show follows Candy Montgomery (Jessica Biel), a suburban housewife who befriends her neighbor Betty (Melanie Lynskey). The seemingly perfect friendship comes to a horrifying end when Betty is found dead in her home. The injuries on the body are brutal, and the authorities suspect Candy to have been the perpetrator, given her affair with Betty’s husband, Allan Gore (Pablo Schreiber).
As the trials proceed, Candy presents the public with her side of the story, which leads to an unprecedented outcome. The series is a thrilling ride that gives the audience a taste of crime, betrayal, romance, cheating, and legal shenanigans. If you enjoyed the show and are looking for similar stories to watch, here we have a list of recommendations. You can watch most of these shows similar to ‘Candy’ on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
7. When They See Us (2019)
Courtroom trials are tricky, especially when a clear bias skews the final judgment, like the events surrounding the infamous 1989 trial. ‘When They See Us’ follows the legal proceedings regarding the rape and assault of a white woman in Central Park. The authorities accuse five Black and Latino men of the crime, who are then sentenced by the jury. The real-life trial gained media traction due to the important nature of the case. Quite like ‘Candy,’ the show highlights the impact of the trial on the general American public.
6. The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez (2020)
‘The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez‘ is a docuseries about the abuse and murder of eight-year-old Gabriel Fernandez in 2013 by the boy’s mother, Pearl Fernandez, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre. The legal trial focused on the actions of Pearl and Isauro as well as the negligence shown by the social services regarding the situation. The heart-breaking series is on the list given the controversy it sparked, similar to the trial of Candy Montgomery.
5. The Act (2019)
The story of Gypsy Blanchard is a roller coaster of emotion. She is brought to court to justify her role in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard. The case unfolds the bizarre and horrifying truth behind the mother-daughter relationship. Similar to ‘Candy,’ ‘The Act‘ presents the audience with a real-life legal battle that has a unique premise and story regarding the circumstances of the crime.
4. The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (2015)
‘The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst’ is a docuseries that solves the reality behind three cases, including the disappearance of Robert Durst‘s wife Kathie in 1982. The other two are the murder of writer Susan Berman in 2000 and the death and dismemberment of Robert’s neighbor Morris Black in 2001. Although Robert was suspected of the first two murders and confessed to the killing of Morris, he is let go based on the claims of self-defense. Given the familial and brutal nature of Robert’s crimes and his claims of self-defense, one can easily draw a parallel between Robert Durst and Candy Montgomery.
3. The Girl From Plainville (2022)
‘The Girl From Plainville‘ revolves around the death of Conrad “Coco” Roy – who is found dead in his car from carbon monoxide poisoning – and the involvement in the matter of his girlfriend Michelle Carter. Due to the unprecedented nature of the case and the debates that followed the controversial trial, Michelle Carter’s case became one of the most well-known cases across the United States. Given the notoriety of the real-life case, the miniseries deserves a spot on this list.
2. The Staircase (2022)
With a seemingly perfect family torn apart by a horrific murder, ‘The Staircase‘ is quite similar to Hulu’s ‘Candy.’ The Colin Firth-starrer revolves around Kathleen Peterson’s death from a fall on the staircase in her home. Initially assumed as an accident, Kathleen’s death raises suspicion among the authorities, given the inconsistent nature of injuries on the body. Therefore, Kathleen’s husband, Michael Peterson, is accused of murdering his wife and stands trial for the same.
1. Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story (2020)
Season 2 of the true-crime anthology series ‘Dirty John’ subtitled titled ‘The Betty Broderick Story’ focuses on the story of Betty Broderick, who was married to Dan Broderick. The marriage falls apart after the man hires Linda Kolkena as his assistant. Despite Betty’s best attempts, Dan divorces her and marries Linda within a year of the separation. A failed marriage and losing children in the custody battle cause Betty’s life to spin out of control. The show bears quite a resemblance to ‘Candy,’ given the similarity in themes and relationship dynamics. Both series focus on affairs and the subsequent fatal fallout from the same.
Read More: Where is Hulu’s Candy Filmed?
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