Directed by Lindsay Hartley, Lifetime‘s ‘In Love With My Partner’s Wife’ is a thriller movie that revolves around detective Paul Ford. After realizing that his partner, Frank Miller, is abusing his wife, Eve, the detective tries his best to save her from the toxic relationship. However, this upsets Frank, who decides to frame Paul for a murder. This forces the latter to try to evade law enforcement while Eve accompanies him to escape her husband. During the run, the pair start a passionate relationship born out of genuine appreciation.
The movie’s intriguing narrative, with several twists and turns, has garnered many admirers. From its cast of talented actors to attractive visual backdrops, the movie has several elements that make it exciting. Naturally, viewers are eager to know as much as possible about the Lifetime thriller, including if the story is based on actual events. Well, we are here to answer the same question, along with several others.
In Love With My Partner: A Fictional Drama Based on Real-Life Issues
No, ‘In Love With My Partner’s Wife’ is not based on a true story. The movie was penned by Paula Rahn, whose other works include ‘His Killer Fan‘ and ‘Rock and Roll Christmas.’ Lindsay Hartley takes up the reins as the director; some other films helmed by her include ‘What the Nanny Saw’ and ‘Killer Ambition.’ The Lifetime thriller may be a fictional story, but that does not mean it is completely disconnected from reality. In fact, the issue of having an abusive spouse can undoubtedly be linked to real life.
Consider the incident that took place in Virginia in July 2022. Diane Crowder, a 53-year-old woman, and her 35-year-old daughter, Carrie Szaksz, were shot to death by the former’s husband, Richard Crowder, a former police officer. The bodies of the two women were recovered after a long standoff that lasted almost 9 hours between the local authorities and Richard. Diane’s aunt and uncle, Judy and John Pulley, claimed that the incident occurred after the two women attempted to escape Richard’s abusive ways.
Cases like Diane Crowder’s are sadly much more common than one might think. When the abusive husband is a part of the local law enforcement, things tend to get a bit more complicated. Hence, Eve Miller’s situation in the movie is certainly not out of reality. So, ‘In Love With My Partner’s Wife’ may not be exactly a true story, but it does contain elements that some viewers might be able to relate to.
In Love With My Partner’s Wife Filming Locations
‘In Love With My Partner’s Wife’ was filmed primarily in Los Angeles, California. The principal photography commenced in April 2022 and was wrapped up in the first week of May of the same year, under the title ‘My Partner’s Wife.’ Now, let’s take a closer look into the details of the shooting location of the Lifetime thriller.
Los Angeles, California
The city of Los Angeles in California hosted the cast and crew of Lifetime’s ‘In Love With My Partner’s Wife.’ The team seemingly had immense fun on the set. Actress Gina Vitori, who plays Eve Miller, expressed her gratitude through social media and thanked the team for making the experience as enjoyable as possible. Moreover, actress Nicole Pulliam shared her joy about working in the thriller with her followers and was with the opportunity.
Located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles has long been the heart of the western entertainment industry. The city and its surrounding areas are home to several well-known film studios that help moviemakers record their projects efficiently. Apart from the scenic advantage that the City of Angels provides, the area is also home to several artists and production crews. Besides the Lindsay Hartley directorial, Los Angeles has hosted the production of ‘The Gray Man‘ and ‘Bullet Train.’
In Love With My Partner’s Wife Cast
Andrew Spach takes up the role of Paul Ford in the Lifetime thriller. You may recognize Spach from his work in ‘The Single Mom Conspiracy,’ AKA ‘An Organized Killer.’ The beautiful Gina Vitori stars as Eve Miller; the actress’ other works include ‘Killer Stepmom‘ and ‘Deadly Girls Night Out.’ Completing the love triangle is Jonathan Stoddard, who plays Frank Miller. The actor has also been a part of ‘Nightmare PTA Moms‘ and ‘Lies My Sister Told Me.’ Other appearances in the movie include Isabella Oliveira (Andrea Billings), Nicole Pulliam (Captain Anderson), Corbin Timbrook (Callaghan), and Robert Miller (Brian).
Read More: Is Lifetime’s The Art of Passion Based on a True Story? Where Was it Filmed? Who is in the Cast?
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