Directed by Sean Cisterna, Lifetime’s ‘Little Girl in the Window’ is a gripping suspense thriller movie that follows the story of an amateur photographer, Iris. Her ordinary day takes a dark turn when she discovers a chilling message in one of her photos while taking pictures of an old, seemingly unassuming house. Iris notices the word “help” scrawled on a dusty window and becomes increasingly convinced that the man living in the house, Robert, is likely a perpetrator of kidnapping or even worse. Further investigations lead her to track a mysterious little girl, May, who Iris believes to be in danger.
Iris fully immerses herself in the mystery, uncovering unsettling secrets and finding herself drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. From sneaking inside the house to seeking the assistance of law enforcement, her inquiry turns into an obsession. ‘Little Girl in the Window’ combines suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists, with the surroundings playing an equally important role in startling Iris as Rolfe Kanefsky’s screenplay and Sean Cisterna’s direction, making the film a thrilling ride.
Little Girl in the Window Filming Locations
‘Little Girl in the Window’ was primarily shot in Hamilton, in the province of Ontario. The film follows a similar route as Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Rear Window,’ utilizing a single location once the protagonist gets hooked on the mystery and begins to keep watch. However, the production also utilized several outdoor sites and alternate sets to add depth to other characters and their backgrounds. The cinematography, led by Juan Montalvo, and the location management by Daniel Kaplan ensured that the visuals captured in the thriller were as engaging as the storyline.
Hamilton, Ontario
The Ontarian city of Hamilton, known for its distinctive variety of residences, provided the perfect setting for the ‘Little Girl in the Window.’ Digital Canaries Film Studios at 422 Barton Street East served as the primary location. The production crew selected and modified various sets within the studio to shoot all the indoor sequences, such as the house’s interior and the detectives’ office. Digital Canaries Film Studios is one of the leading filmmaking attractions in Hamilton and no stranger to welcoming Lifetime’s ventures. ‘Daddy’s Deadly Secret‘ and ‘Plains, Trains, and Christmas Trees’ are among the many projects from the movie network shot here.
Dundas, Ontario
For exterior shots, the ‘Little Girl in the Window’ production team specifically used Dundas, an urban district in Hamilton that sits between the Niagara Escarpment and the western edge of Lake Ontario. Popularly known as the Valley Town because of its geological location, the village was chosen because of its resemblance with classic noir genre households.
Dundas features red-brick Victorian-era cottages that add to the film’s eerie atmosphere. The winter season’s mesmerizing snow coverings on streets and buildings, combined with the efforts of the costume designers, created a convincing illusion that the characters lived in these very buildings. The region has also hosted the shootings of the holiday-themed movies ‘Mom’s Christmas Boyfriend,’ ‘A Not So Royal Christmas,’ and ‘The Christmas Cure.’
Little Girl in the Window Cast
Mary Antonini stars as Iris Wilson, the amateur photographer who becomes entangled in the chilling mystery. Antonini is renowned in television movies, with notable credits including ‘Revenge Delivered,’ ‘Degrassi Goes Hollywood,’ and ‘On the 12th Date of Christmas.’ Jean Paul Najm plays Robert Carnell, the enigmatic man living in the house Iris photographs. Najm has appeared in episodic roles in popular series such as ‘Supernatural,’ ‘Smallville,’ ‘Fringe,’ ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and ‘Star Trek: Discovery.’
Ann Pirvu, who portrays Jennifer Lewis, has worked in numerous TV movies, including ‘The Threat Next Door,’ ‘A Widow Seduced,’ and ‘Tiny Home Christmas.’ Child actress Ava Weiss stars as May Lewis, the mysterious little girl seemingly in danger. Weiss has previously appeared in director Max McGuire’s ‘Falling Like Snowflakes,’ ‘My Christmas Guide‘ and ‘The Most Colorful Time of the Year,’ as well as Roland Emmerich’s critically panned space adventure ‘Moonfall.’ Among other cast members, the movie features Tommie-Amber Pirie as Carol, Laura Afelskie as younger Jennifer Lewis, Elias Edraki as Detective Stefan Clark, and Christian Ferlito as a mysterious driver.
Read More: Lifetime’s The Bad Orphan: Filming and Cast Details Explored
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