The third episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Tulsa King’ season 2, titled ‘Oklahoma v. Manfredi,’ revolves around the legal battle Dwight “The General” Manfredi has been fighting after his arrest in the first installment’s finale. While his focus remains on the case, Cal Thresher makes moves to ensure that he will have the upper hand against his competitor, especially after a bold rejection from the woman he desires. Don Charles “Chickie” Invernizzi leads Bill Bevilaqua to Tulsa to handle Dwight with Dennis “Goodie” Carangi’s help, but his efforts don’t yield any favorable results for him. Meanwhile, Mitch Keller delivers a performance that captivates The General’s daughter, Tina! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Dwight Manfredi Garners a Non-Guilty Verdict
‘Oklahoma v. Manfredi’ begins with Dwight Manfredi practicing his defense statements before his trial. When he returns to the courtroom, Dylan McGrath questions the local ATF chief to establish that the defendant bribed an agent. Dwight then brings Stacy Beale to the witness stand to prove he is not guilty of bribery. He clarifies to the jury that he and Stacy have a personal and intimate relationship that has led them to sleep together. He further adds that the agent also saved his life by putting hers on the line, which made him immensely grateful to her. Dwight asks Stacy whether any law restricts an individual from offering a gift to another person who rescued the former from death to prove a point.
Through Stacy, Dwight establishes that he gave her the money without asking or expecting any favor in return, which is not the definition of bribery per the law. After the agent leaves the stand, the trial concludes. Upon the jury deliberation, the former Mafia capo gets acquitted of bribing an ATF agent. By then, Stacy tells him that she is being transferred from Tulsa, which is unsurprising considering that she nearly loses her job for helping him in the first season. The not-guilty verdict infuriates Cal Thresher, who hopes to see Dwight behind bars again.
Dwight’s presence in Tulsa becomes personal for Thresher, who gets rejected by Margaret Devereaux. During his visit to the Fennario Ranch, she expresses that she believes the convicted murderer is classier than the businessman. Thresher processes the rejection by meeting Armand “Manny” Truisi, who is struggling with his divorce proceedings. Since he has to pay a hefty sum in the form of child support to Clara, he is not financially in his best state. The businessman offers Armand $30,000 in return for nothing in particular, adding that he hopes to receive the latter’s help if an opportunity ever arises. Later, the stableman pays Dwight $10,000, indicating that he has accepted Thresher’s money.
Tina Has a Crush on Mitch “The Rockstar” Keller
After Dwight secures a property for Tina and her children to move to Tulsa, she becomes a constant presence in her father’s life with her aunt, Joanne Manfredi. The family celebrates the former Mafia capo’s non-guilty verdict and legal victory with a performance by Mitch Keller, who delivers a banger as a rockstar. While the ex-rodeo star graces the stage, Tina asks Joanne whether she is the only one who thinks that he is handsome. Her aunt agrees, and she continues to be captivated by him. Tina and Mitch have nurtured a warm relationship since she left New York City.
When Tina struggles with Dwight’s arrest in the first season finale, Mitch supports her. Gradually, after her move to Tulsa for good, they meet each other regularly. Since she is no longer with her husband, Emory, there is nothing stopping her from dating the musician. As far as Dwight’s permission is concerned, he may only be happy for her. When the former Mafia capo arrives in Tulsa, Mitch welcomes him with warmth and understanding without expecting anything back. The ex-convict has his back when he fights a war against Caolan Waltrip and The Black Macadams. If it wasn’t for the musician, Dwight may have even lost his life to the biker gang.
When Dwight decides to establish his empire in Tulsa, Mitch opens doors to endless possibilities by making him a partner of Bred 2 Buck. They are also planning to buy Donnie Shore’s car dealership, indicating that their partnership is only strengthening day after day. Realizing how great a man Mitch is, Dwight may nod his approval to Tina. The musician has proven that he can be sweet, gentle, and caring. Since he is also an artist more than a gangster, she may not have any difficulty accepting him into her life. Therefore, their relationship is expected to bloom sooner than later.
Dwight Sends a Message to Bill Bevilaqua
After meeting Chickie, Bill Bevilaqua appears in Tulsa to negotiate with Dwight. He is ready to “forgive” the former Mafia capo’s intrusion into his territory in return for a partnership. The Kansas City man wants the same to start with Dwight offering him a part of Bred 2 Buck. The convicted murderer clarifies to his guest that he has no intention to give him anything. A frustrated Bevilaqua leaves the saloon after informing his competitor that he will send one of his men, Caputo, to renegotiate new terms. After he returns to Kansas City, Chickie calls Goodie and informs the latter of a plan to kill Dwight.
Chickie tells Goodie that Caputo is returning to assassinate Dwight. The current head of the Invernizzi family wants his former associate to help Bevilaqua’s man commit the deed. Goodie ends the call by indicating that he will do as Chickie wants. While the former Mafia capo celebrates his not-guilty verdict with Margaret, Caputo shows up. Before he can shoot his target, Big Foot holds him, only for Goodie to kill him. The death explains that Dwight’s associate does not have any intention of betraying him. Goodie nods yes to Chickie when he proposes changing sides to learn what’s in the store for his new boss.
After learning the plan, Goodie reveals the potential murder attempt to Dwight, who places Big Foot in the area to tranquilize the threat. He knows about what he is walking into, which explains why he asks Tyson not to accompany him. Regardless, Tyson joins Goodie and Big Foot to deliver Caputo’s dead body to Bevilaqua with a pack of short ribs to clarify that Dwight is the man sending the message.
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