The tenth and final episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Tulsa King’ season 2, titled ‘Reconstruction,’ revolves around the shifting power dynamics following the death of Jackie Ming. Dwight “The General” Manfredi expands his kingdom in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with a brutal move against Cal Thresher, only for Bill Bevilaqua to come running, seeking his share of the spoils. Chickie Invernizzi arrives in the city from New York to welcome his former capo back to his home but leaves the place disappointed when the latter replies no. The sophomore installment concludes with a shocking twist and a mysterious cliffhanger concerning the future of The General! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 10 Recap
‘Reconstruction’ begins with Dwight Manfredi and Cal Thresher discussing the reward for killing Jackie Ming. The businessman is ready to offer a generous gift, but the former Mafia capo wants every asset that belongs to the former. He reminds his adversary that the soft-hearted and vulnerable Thresher does not belong in the underworld he rules. The businessman understands that he has no choice but to save his life from Dwight by surrendering his assets. When the former Mafia capo becomes the new master of Thresher’s properties, Bill Bevilaqua rushes to Tulsa, seeking half of everything his counterpart has gained from the businessman.
Dwight reminds Bevilaqua that the latter’s life is the biggest reward he can give, especially after the death of Jimmy the Creek. However, the gangster replies that he deserves something substantial since Thresher’s assets ended up in The General’s hands because of him. The former Mafia capo offers 25% and asks Bevilaqua to return to Kansas City without uttering another word. Meanwhile, Chickie Invernizzi shows up in Even Higher Plane with a proposition. He wants to welcome Dwight back to the New York Mafia and apologize for sending The General to Tulsa. The former Mafia capo clarifies that he is not senseless enough to give up everything he has built in his new home.
Dwight’s response infuriates Chickie, who cannot regain his position in the leadership of the New York Mafia without persuading the former to rejoin the organization. He goes to Kansas City to meet Bevilaqua and devise a plan to eliminate The General. While the former Mafia capo deals with Chickie, Mitch “the Stick” Keller becomes the proud owner of Donnie Shore’s car dealership. He relies on Grace’s filmmaking skills to produce an advertisement for the new business venture. The ad is outrageous but captivates Dwight and other business partners, including Armand “Manny” Truisi, who regains his job at the Fennario Ranch.
Tulsa King Season 2 Ending: Why Does Bill Bevilaqua Kill Chickie?
Chickie and Bill Bevilaqua’s meeting ends with the decision to kill Dwight Manfredi and share the latter’s assets in Tulsa. They both agree that their families have been in the “game” for a long while and deserve what has been growing in Oklahoma under their adversary’s watch. However, Bevilaqua kills Chickie instead of Dwight in the middle of their confrontation with The General. The Kansas City-based gangster turns against his ally and saves the life of his adversary to get in the good books of the former Mafia capo. He knows that a reward is waiting for him if he joins the side of The General, which he deservedly receives in the form of half of Cal Thresher’s assets.
Bevilaqua is experienced enough to know who deserves his trust, and Chickie may have been on the top of his list of untrustworthy acquaintances. He doesn’t make a direct move against Dwight after Carl Caputo’s death because he knows the former Mafia capo is easier to deal with than his counterpart in New York. He can reason with The General and have a talk to straighten things out, which is not possible with Chickie. Since the latter murdering Pete “The Rock” Invernizzi has become public knowledge, there is no way Bevilaqua can trust the man who didn’t hesitate to kill his own father.
Therefore, Bevilaqua chooses to switch sides. He knows that Dwight is sensible enough to reward his actions as a man of principles and integrity. He cannot expect the same from Chickie. Once he helps the New York Mafia’s senseless leader seize Tulsa, the latter may even target Kansas City next, which will mark the end of not only Bevilaqua’s reign but also his family’s legacy. He cannot risk losing his empire while trying to gain a kingdom. These factors and possibilities convince the gangster that the best decision he can make is to earn Dwight as a friend and partner.
Even if Chickie doesn’t turn against Bevilaqua, there is no assurance the former will make enough money for the latter. His track record in New York City has been outrageously poor, which forces his own allies to replace him. Bevilaqua cannot trust someone like that. On the other hand, Dwight is a proven cash cow. The gangster knows that The General will only expand his kingdom rather than lose the same, which makes him a better choice between the latter and Chickie.
Why Does the FBI Arrest Dwight Manfredi?
While Dwight Manfredi celebrates the expansion of his business ventures with his partners, the FBI looks into the file of the former Mafia capo in great detail. The unexpected emergence of interest in The General is mysterious, and the ambiguity only increases when he gets arrested highly secretively. Then, an unrevealed person tells him that Dwight will work for them. The unexpected interference of the FBI may seem surprising, but it has been a long time coming. The bureau has made its presence known several times, including when Bill Bevilaqua decides to kill Dwight after Tyson nearly murders his associate.
The FBI must have finally recruited Dwight as an informant to keep an eye on Bevilaqua. The bureau has been watching the Kansas City-based gangster for a considerable while, which explains the bug planted in his office. While the second season doesn’t reveal much about this secret operation, the existence of the same clarifies that Bevilaqua has been on the FBI’s wanted list for a long time. Now that Dwight has formed a major partnership with him, the investigators may have considered him the perfect informant to reveal the gangster’s actions to them.
Since Dwight has gone completely legal as far as his business ventures are concerned, the FBI doesn’t have a reason to be concerned about him. That is not the case with Bevilaqua. The gangster’s ventures and initiatives have been a mystery, but one thing is clear: they are far from legal, which explains why the bureau keeps an eye on him rather than the former Mafia capo. However, the agents cannot easily infiltrate the empire of the gangster, which explains their decision to rely on Dwight. Considering the resources available at the bureau’s disposal, the FBI may not need much time to dig up dirt to persuade Dwight to help them.
The mysterious arrest of Dwight may raise doubts concerning the identity of the officials involved. However, since the bureau intends to use him as an informant, understandably, the agents cannot blow his cover by making his arrest a spectacle. The moment Bevilaqua learns that the FBI has targeted The General, he may build a wall between him and the latter, killing the bureau’s mission and explaining why the officers have to capture the former Mafia capo highly secretively. To conclude, the third season of ‘Tulsa King,’ which is already in the works, may focus on how Dwight will help the FBI to bring Bevilaqua down. This unexpected alliance may open a new chapter of The General’s life and may even convince Tina to return to him.
Read More: Tulsa King: Is Bred 2 Buck a Real Saloon in Tulsa? Where is it Located?
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