Is Michelle Randolph’s Elizabeth “Liz” Dutton Pregnant in 1923?

In the second season of Paramount+’s Western series ‘1923,’ Jack Dutton’s wife, Elizabeth “Liz” Dutton, suffers immensely because of various unfortunate developments. Her encounter with a rabid wolf makes her hate her life in the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch and convinces her to break up with her husband if that’s necessary for her to move to Boston from Montana. However, her life among the Duttons turns around in the fourth episode of the sophomore installment. After taking an injection to protect herself from rabies, Elizabeth suffers from severe pain, paving the way for a consultation with Dr. Miller that brings happiness back to her life! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Elizabeth Dutton Becomes Pregnant Again After a Tragic Miscarriage

The first season of ‘1923’ ends with Elizabeth Dutton’s miscarriage. The tragic development convinces her that she won’t be pregnant again, forcing Jack Dutton to ask her to find purpose in a different facet of life. This conviction kills her hope of becoming a mother, which may have also contributed to her decision to leave for Boston after breaking up with her partner. Since no child is involved in their lives, Elizabeth must have found it easier to part ways with Jack for better living conditions in Massachusetts. This decision changes in the fourth episode of the second season after Dr. Miller tells her that she is pregnant.

After Elizabeth’s miscarriage, no physician has outrightly ruled out the possibility of her being pregnant again. Therefore, the revelation concerning her unborn baby is not totally surprising. The pregnancy also saves her marriage with Jack, bringing happiness back to not only her life but also the lives of the entire Dutton family, who have been facing one setback after another since the winter’s wrath fell on them. Elizabeth forgets all about her conflicts with Jack and rushes to him to share the news. The pregnancy eliminates the emotional distance between them and makes them await the baby together.

Since Elizabeth’s pregnancy can be astounding for some, viewers can’t be blamed for wondering whether it has anything to do with real life. However, from what we can share, it is completely a plot development conceived exclusively for the storyline of Jack and Elizabeth. Michelle Randolph, who plays Liz in the Western series, has not discussed pregnancy in reality for us to believe that her character’s arc has anything to do with her actual life.

Elizabeth Dutton’s Pregnancy May Not End in Another Miscarriage

One of the most terrifying plot developments in the first season of ‘1923’ is Elizabeth Dutton’s miscarriage. After the deaths of John Dutton Sr. and Emma Dutton, Jack Dutton’s parents, the family awaits happiness and normalcy, which is restored by Liz’s first pregnancy. They see the unborn baby as the restorer of hope, only to confront a terrible miscarriage. Naturally, Cara Dutton fears whether the young woman will lose her unborn child again. While the concern is valid and understandable, the chances of it happening again are too low. ‘1923’ has already used the miscarriage arc once to move the viewers, which means that resorting to the same plot development will cause repetition.

It is unlikely that Taylor Sheridan, the creator and writer of the Western drama, will force viewers to tolerate the same tragic outcome twice with the same character. Therefore, we may see Elizabeth giving birth to a child when the time comes. Such a development will also clear the air surrounding the birth of John Dutton II, the father of Kevin Costner’s John Dutton III in ‘Yellowstone.’ The viewers of the franchise initially considered John II as the son of Jack and Elizabeth, but many wondered whether he was the child of Spencer and Alex Dutton after the aforementioned miscarriage. Since Elizabeth is pregnant again, her unborn baby can be John II, which will unravel a mystery that has been troubling ardent admirers of the franchise for a long time.

Read More: How Does Christy Die? Did Cailyn Rice Leave 1923?