The eighth episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Tulsa King’ season 2, titled ‘Under New Management,’ follows the aftermath of Tyson Mitchell’s attack against the right-hand man of Bill Bevilaqua. Even though the gangster’s associate survives the gunshot, the predicament causes a series of unfortunate events that shake Dwight “The General” Manfredi. The former Mafia capo is forced to bid adieu to those close to him personally and professionally. While chaotic incidents turn his life around, Armand “Manny” Truisi decides to take matters into his own hands to ensure his safety and survival, only to commit a foolish mistake! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Dwight Manfredi’s Enemies Deal With Different Setbacks
‘Under New Management’ begins with Dwight Manfredi and his associates confronting Tyson concerning the foolish act he committed. They promise to look after him since he is family, but they disapprove of his actions. In Kansas City, Bill Bevilaqua proclaims that he will wage a war against The General despite the survival of his right-hand man, Vic. Before he calms his nerves down, Chickie Invernizzi calls him, only for the gangster to explain how one of the former Mafia capo’s men nearly killed his associate. While the head of the New York Mafia scene processes what has been happening with the people connected to him, Vince Antonacci discusses kicking him out of the leadership with the former’s men.
Bevilaqua sends a few of his associates to Tulsa to keep an eye on Dwight. Vince joins his “colleagues” to confront Chickie about the directionless operations of their gang. The men tell him that the revenue is drying up in New York and that his recklessness has created an unignorable ill reputation, especially after he sent one of the legends in the Mafia scene to Tulsa. The group doesn’t want to kill Chickie, but they cannot tolerate his hot-headed behavior anymore. Therefore, they need him out of the leadership of the crime scene of the city. Chickie expresses his dissatisfaction with the decision, but there’s nothing much he can do when his own crew and other families turn against him.
In addition to Bevilaqua and Chickie, Cal Thresher is also struggling. He gets confronted by his business partner, Jackie Ming, an influential member of the Chinese triad. The latter needs to revise his arrangement with the businessman concerning their weed farms. The new contract states that Thresher is willing to sell the entire venture to Jackie in return for the meager sum of $1000. The businessman doesn’t have any other choice when his partner’s men aim their guns at him. He then rushes to Bevilaqua, hoping that the latter will help him destroy Jackie. However, when the gangster learns that it was Thresher’s men behind the attack on Dwight, which caused him severe headaches, he lashes out at the man who seeks his assistance.
Armand “Manny” Truisi Turns Against Dwight Manfredi Before Vanishing
Armand “Manny” Truisi loses his senses completely after Dwight Manfredi confronts him. He realizes that he cannot remain in Tulsa anymore, especially when the former Mafia capo keeps an eye on him. He meets his wife, Clara, and asks her about disappearing with him and their kids. However, she states that neither she nor her children want anything to do with him, especially since she is trying to divorce him. Manny releases his anger at Spencer in front of Margaret Devereaux. The owner of the Fennario Ranch then fires him because of his behavior and gives his job to Spencer.
Manny then meets Thresher for financial assistance to disappear from Tulsa. However, since he becomes useless to the businessman, the latter dismisses his request for five to ten grand and throws a $100 bill for the former to pick up from the ground. Manny calls one of his children and explains that he needs to remain invisible for a while. The highly-disturbed ranch hand confronts Dennis “Goodie” Carangi, who has been locking up the funds Dwight has at his disposal. After holding the consigliere at gunpoint, Manny fills a bag with bundles of cash, irrespective of the former’s warning that The General will find him soon, and vanishes from the place.
Dwight Manfredi Suffers Personal and Professional Losses Due to Bevilaqua’s Retaliation
After realizing that Bill Bevilaqua will fight a war against him anytime now, Dwight Manfredi grows worried about the safety of his daughter, Tina, and her children. He asks her to return to New York so that she won’t be stuck in the middle of the deadly predicament. Tina doesn’t have any problem returning, but she clarifies that the relationship between them is over. She has waited long for him to be a changed man. Instead, she is only seeing him get worse. Thus, she leaves for her hometown without even saying goodbye to her father.
Even though Tina leaves Tulsa, Dwight is still concerned about her. He calls Chickie to warn the latter that he will retaliate deadly if something happens to his family in New York. The General’s enemy replies that he is not interested in the former’s family. Dwight also warns the employees of Even Higher Plane about the impending attack, which is confirmed by the FBI agents who listen to Bevilaqua through a bug planted in the latter’s house in Kansas City. As his crew prepares for the war, Tyson returns to the hospital to see his father, Mark Mitchell, who confronts the reality that he has lost his son to a world of mobsters.
Jimmy the Creek and Lawrence “Bodhi” Geigerman lock up Even Higher Plane. The latter is shocked to be in a position where his life is on the line. However, the former is not. As a Native American man who knows all about the history of his community’s sufferings, he says that wars and conflicts like the one they deal with are inevitable. As they leave the marijuana store, Bevilaqua’s men show up out of nowhere and shoot at the two weed sellers. Bodhi escapes the raining bullets, but Jimmy gets shot and killed.
Read More: Tulsa King: Is Bred 2 Buck a Real Saloon in Tulsa? Where is it Located?
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