‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ directed by Christian Schwochow, tells the story of the peace agreement between British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler. The film, set in 1938, deals with the tense political situation in Europe during the era and uses a blend of history and fiction to craft a gripping narrative. The plot centers on two young diplomats who find themselves with an important task to fulfill while the peace summit occurs.
The movie is based on Robert Harris’ best-selling novel ‘Munich’ and is an exciting piece of historical revisionism with some thrill-inducing moments. If you enjoyed the film and wish to explore more such political stories with an espionage twist, here’s a list of movies we think you will also enjoy. You can watch most of these movies like ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime!
7. The Courier (2020)
Directed by Dominic Cooke, ‘The Courier’ is a spy drama film about the life of British businessman Greville Wynne (Benedict Cumberbatch), an important spy for MI6 and CIA during the Cold War. While the film’s backdrop is entirely different, it still creates a sense of urgency and tension by mixing history and fiction. Much like Hugh Legat from ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ Wynne also unexpectedly finds himself trusted into the world of espionage for political benefit.
6. The Catcher Was a Spy (2018)
‘The Catcher Was a Spy’ is a war drama film directed by Ben Lewin based on Nicholas Dawidoff’s novel of the same name. It tells the story of Moe Berg (Paul Rudd), a veteran baseball player near the end of his career who joins the Office of Strategic Services to aid against the Nazis. Similar to ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ the film takes place in the 1930s and reveals some hidden details of Hitler’s plans to dominate Europe. If you wish to learn more about the build-up to the Second World War, ‘The Catcher Was a Spy’ is a perfect pick for you.
5. Je Suis Karl (2021)
‘Je Suis Karl‘ is a German drama film that revolves around Maxi, a young woman who is lured into becoming a part of a radical political group. Although the film’s narrative is drastically different from ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ it still plays with heavy themes and examines the role of morality in politics. Moreover, director Christian Schwochow helmed the project, and actor Jannis Niewöhner, who plays Paul von Hartmann in ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ appears in the titular role. For those reasons, we highly recommend ‘Je Suis Karl.’
4. Operation Finale (2018)
‘Operation Finale’ is a historical drama film directed by Chris Weitz that tells the story of Israeli agents who travel to Argentina on a mission to apprehend former Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann. The high-octane thriller is filled with pulsating moments that will leave audiences at the edge of their seats, akin to ‘Munich: The Edge of War.’ Likewise, it also highlights the complications of executing a covert operation on foreign soil. While ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ takes place during the prelude to World War II, ‘Operation Finale’ is about the war’s long-lasting impact.
3. Darkest Hour (2017)
Director Joe Wright’s ‘Darkest Hour’ is a war drama movie set during the 1940 War Cabinet Crisis of the United Kingdom. It focuses on Winston Churchill’s formative days as the Prime Minister of the UK and the challenges he faces as the country prepares for the Second World War. If after watching ‘Munich: The Edge of War’ you became curious about the end of Chamberlain’s term and how the UK dealt with the Nazis in the midst of World War II, then ‘Darkest Hour’ will surely provide you with the answers.
2. Valkyrie (2008)
‘Valkyrie’ is an action thriller film directed by Bryan Singer about the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944. The movie centers on Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise), a member of the resistance group within the German army who conspire to kill Hitler and take control of the country’s administration. The plot to assassinate Hitler is only a minor thread in ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ but if you wish to learn more about the same, ‘Valkyrie’ is well suited for your taste!
1. The Day of the Jackal (1973)
‘The Day of the Jackal’ is a political thriller movie that revolves around the eponymous assassin’s attempts to assassinate the French President Charles de Gaulle. The film, directed by Fred Zinnemann, received critical acclaim along with an Academy Award nomination. Like ‘Munich: The Edge of War,’ the movie is a taut thriller that uses a fictional character to examine a period of history and highlight the leadership of a particular leader. Due to these narrative and thematic similarities, ‘The Day of the Jackal’ is our top pick for this list!
Read More: Are Hugh Legat and Paul von Hartmann Based on Real People?
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