1923 Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Journey the Rivers of Iron

The fourth episode of the second season of Paramount+’s Western series ‘1923,’ titled ‘Journey the Rivers of Iron,’ revolves around the Duttons’ efforts to bring peace and stability to their family after a series of unfortunate events. When they need a ray of hope the most, Dr. Steven Miller surprises them with a heartwarming revelation that seemingly eliminates the fear and concern regarding Jack and Elizabeth “Liz” Dutton’s togetherness. While the harshness of winter wanes at the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, Spencer and Alexandra “Alex” Dutton face unceasing challenges on their way to Montana to be together again after a considerable while! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Donald Whitfield Gears Up for a War Against the Duttons

‘Journey the Rivers of Iron’ begins with the cunning and vicious Donald Whitfield explaining his business plans to his potential shareholders. After running into a few young Norwegian men who ski on his land, the businessman realizes that there is a lot to earn by opening his properties for tourism and development. He adds to his fellow financiers that the American people need more avenues to eliminate the monotony of everyday life, which inspires him to build a new airport in the state. Upon learning that air service can take one from Long Island to San Diego in a day, he wants to start operating flights to New York and Chicago.

Donald’s second plan is to build a winter resort in the Paradise Valley for ice skating, tobogganing, and skiing. He expects tourists to arrive at the place to experience the euphoria of engaging in these activities like the Norwegian men he has met. When one of his potential investors asks him why anyone would want to do the same, he retaliates by asking the former why they visit beaches in the summer when lakes and rivers have shores. The explanation convinces the men at the table to fight among themselves to invest in Donald’s projects. After the meeting with the investors, Banner Creighton reminds his business partner that the resort project can only happen if they possess the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch.

Donald asks Banner to prepare for a war with the Duttons to secure the land for their needs. The businessman does not hold back. He makes it undoubtedly clear that he needs the Duttons dead so that he can capture their property. Donald even asks Banner to commit the murders in a county in Montana that is not inhabited. Since the place does not have a sheriff or judicial system, anything that happens there won’t really be a “crime,” reminding us of the Train Station in the mothership series ‘Yellowstone.’ Banner is not really keen on killing to secure financial prosperity, but he eventually decides to do the same after discussing the matter with his wife.

While Donald and Banner talk about the war against the Duttons, Lindy, one of the sex workers employed by the businessman, shows up in the room unannounced. She leads the two men to a bedroom where her companion, Christy, lies dead. Lindy suggests that the latter killed herself, only to earn the punishment of torture from the businessman.

Elizabeth’s Pregnancy Saves Her Relationship With Jack Dutton

While their land remains threatened by Donald Whitfield, the Duttons prepare for Zane Davis’ surgical procedure to save his life. Jacob and Jack Dutton strap the ranch foreman to a bed after giving him chloroform, and Dr. Miller drills a hole through the patient’s skull to extract the liquid stuck inside the same. In the middle of the operation, Zane wakes up and screams terrifyingly because of the pain. Still, the procedure is completed without any concerns, and Zane even starts to walk a bit. Seeing him walking gives immense comfort to his wife, Alice, who wonders whether they can be together if they move to California.

Jack gets excited about Zane’s well-being and goes to Elizabeth’s room to share his joy, only to find her in sadness. Their impending separation immerses him in utter distress, making Jacob have a word with the wife of his nephew’s son. The Dutton patriarch acknowledges the hardships Elizabeth has dealt with and the sacrifices she made to live on the ranch. He even adds that he wishes he could board a train to Boston to escape from the harsh winter of Montana. Jacob further explains why Jack cannot abandon his family and their ranch, especially when a vicious force like Donald threatens their land and lifestyle.

Jacob’s words make Elizabeth feel like she is understood. After thanking him, she decides to take the injection for rabies on her own, resulting in unbearable pain. Her reaction causes fear in Cara Dutton, who rushes to Dr. Miller. The physician concludes that Elizabeth is pregnant after an examination. The Dutton matriarch is concerned about whether Elizabeth will suffer a miscarriage again, but the latter is too happy to give it a thought. She rushes to Jack, embraces him, and shares the good news. The couple celebrates the occasion together and tells Jacob that they will have a baby soon.

Spencer and Alex Are Attacked on Their Way to Montana

Spencer, Alex, and Teonna Rainwater face severe challenges in the middle of their respective journeys. The Native American woman joins hands with her father, Runs His Horse, and Pete Plenty Clouds to work with cowboys to earn their stay on the Texan ranch. The ranch hands welcome them to their camp, and they all have lunch together in the middle of the working day. The peace and comfort Teonna experiences turn around when she finds countless wanted posters issued in her name in and around the ranch. Meanwhile, Alex gets robbed by a thief in the Grand Central Terminal.

Alex gets beaten up, but she still manages to board the train to Billings, Montana, which will take her one step closer to the Dutton Ranch. As a survivor of a brutal attack, her fellow passengers cannot stop staring at her, but all she cares about is ending up in the arms of Spencer, who has a run-in with the Fort Worth sheriff. The officer asks the World War I veteran to get into his car after offering to take him to the train station. However, he then drives to the truck the young man drove from Galveston with the illegal consignment of whiskey.

The sheriff clarifies that Luca Maceo revealed Spencer’s involvement in the bootlegging before the authorities killed him. The officers want the veteran to drive the truck to the delivery address so that the former group can surprise the receivers of the consignment with an ambush. The plan works out well, but the sheriff locks Spencer up in the truck. He uses a gun to free himself from the handcuffs, runs to the rail tracks, and boards a train that is bound to “as far as the ocean.” Inside the train, he meets two men and a child who demand “tax” from the former soldier.

Spencer retaliates by taking out his rifle from the case, only to be reminded by one of the men that he will be attacked when the train makes him fall asleep. The veteran lays awake all night to protect himself and his belongings, only to close his eyes in the morning. When he sleeps, the two men and the child attack him. Spencer soon wakes up, kills the two adults, and hits the kid to safeguard himself. He then jumps from the moving train to a valley located in the middle of nowhere with his belongings. From the unrevealed location, he must restart his journey to his home and loved ones.

Read More: Who Are John Dutton Jr.’s Parents in 1923? Is He Adopted? Theories